Stochastic Processes, Analysis and Semigroups

A Winter School by the Universities of Trento and Wuppertal

Image credit: MarcelloMM / CC BY-SA (

After a first (summer) school in September 2021, we organise another one-week winter school for Master and PhD students, on selected topics in Probability Theory.

When: December 12 - 16, 2022
Where: Aula Circoscrizione, University of Trento, Via Don Tommaso Dallafior 7, 38123 Povo (Trento), Italy
GPS coordinates: (46.06476,11.15345)


The winter school will consist of four minicourses, as well as short talks and a poster session for participants.

The minicourses are:

  • Margherita Zanella (Politecnico di Milano): An introduction to Malliavin Calculus

  • Peter Kuchling (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): Entropy inequalities and Wasserstein metric

  • B. P. W. Fernando (University of Sri Jayewardenepura): Filtering theory

  • Michele Coghi (Università di Trento): Regularisation by noise

For additional information, send an email to the school's address: primer(dot)maths(at)unitn(dot)it.

The room the school will take place in is called "Aula Circoscrizione". Its official address is Via Don Tommaso Dallafior 7, 38123 Povo. However, the access is not from the front, but from Piazzale Carlo Merler, the parking lot on the back (if you look at the building at the given address with the church on your left, go around the right to the back of the building).
The gps coordinates are the following: (46.06476,11.15345) (or Google Maps, if you prefer)

Registration is free but compulsory. The deadline for registration has passed. If you are still interested in attending and have not registered yet, send us a mail at primer(dot)maths(at)unitn(dot)it.

A photo with some of the participants to the first edition

Organizing Committee

Luigi Amedeo Bianchi (Università di Trento)
Stefano Bonaccorsi (Università di Trento)
Martin Friesen (Dublin City University)
Barbara Rüdiger (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

The School is funded by the Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, within the Dipartimento di Eccellenza project.