Clinical Use of SocIal coGNition measures for the AssessmenT of neURocognitivE Disorders

The SIGNATURE project

Project description

Standard neuropsychological testing is generally used as a gateway for the diagnosis of mild neurocognitive disorder (mNCD). Despite the fact that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) emphasizes the importance of assessing social cognition domain in NCD patients, in clinical settings, social behaviour and changes in social cognition are not systematically investigated in mNCD. Multiple social cognition instruments have been developed experimentally, but translational efforts towards the clinic, including psychometric and diagnostic validations, are still lacking

The SIGNATURE initiative aims at evaluating the state-of-the-art, perceived needs and estimated feasibility in the use of social measures in memory clinics, and at defining clinical expert priorities for their implementation in the clinical assessment of mNCD through a bottom-up (clinical neuropsychology) and top-down (experimental neuropsychology) approach

Main Objectives

Identify clinicians' experience in the use of social cognitive measures in neurocognitive disorders

Identify needs & feasibility for the implementation of the social cognitive measures for clinicians & stakeholders

Evaluate clinical research priorities for the implementation of social cognitive measures in memory clinics 

Plan of action 

Background articles

[1] Dodich A, Crespi C, Santi GC, Cappa SF, Cerami C (2021) Evaluation of Discriminative Detection Abilities of Social Cognition Measures for the Diagnosis of the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia: a Systematic Review. Neuropsychology Review 31, 251-266. Article

[2] Boccardi M, Monsch AU, Ferrari C, Altomare D, Berres M, Bos I, Buchmann A, Cerami C, Didic M, Festari C, Nicolosi V, Sacco L, Aerts L, Albanese E, Annoni J-MM, Ballhausen N, Chicherio C, Démonet J-FF, Descloux V, Diener S, Ferreira D, Georges J, Gietl A, Girtler N, Kilimann I, Klöppel S, Kustyniuk N, Mecocci P, Mella N, Pigliautile M, Seeher K, Shirk SD, Toraldo A, Brioschi-Guevara A, Chan KCGG, Crane PK, Dodich A, Grazia A, Kochan NA, de Oliveira FF, Nobili F, Kukull W, Peters O, Ramakers I, Sachdev PS, Teipel S, Visser PJ, Wagner M, Weintraub S, Westman E, Froelich L, Brodaty H, Dubois B, Cappa SF, Salmon D, Winblad B, Frisoni GB, Kliegel M, Consortium for the Harmonization of Neuropsychological Assessment for Neurocognitive Disorders (2021) Harmonizing neuropsychological assessment formild neurocognitive disorders in Europe. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 18(1), 29-42 . Article

[3] Van den Stock J (2021) Social cognition assessment for mild neurocognitive disorders. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 18(07), 11–12. Article

[4] Van den Stock J, Bertoux M, Diehl-Schmid J, Piguet O, Rankin KP, Pasquier F, Ducharme S, Pijnenburg Y, Kumfor F (2022) Current Potential for Clinical Optimization of Social Cognition Assessment for Frontotemporal Dementia and Primary Psychiatric Disorders. Neuropsychology Review. Article  

[5] Dodich A, Cerami C (2022) Answer to “Current potential for clinical optimization of social cognition assessment for frontotemporal dementia and primary psychiatric disorders”. Neuropsychology Review. Article