Submission Instructions

EmpiRE 2023 will accept four types of submissions: (i) industry reports, (ii) position papers, (iii) research design papers, and (iv) full technical papers. 

All the papers should be related to the topics of interest indicated in the Call for Papers. 

The EmpiRE 2023 organizers are currently exploring the opportunity of promoting an open special issue on Empirical Requirements Engineering (further details about the Journal and the special issue will be posted soon). 


All submissions must be in English. All papers submitted to the workshop will be peer-reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. Acceptance will be primarily based on originality, contribution to the area, amenability to generate discussion, quality of the paper and of the research, and research completeness. Research design papers will be reviewed, but more "helpfully" than "critically". Only original papers not currently under consideration for publication on journals or other conferences will be considered. 

All the accepted papers will be published in the IEEE digital library with the support of the RE 2023 conference. Thus, all the papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format and by following the IEEE formatting instructions (further details at the RE conference page: RE 2023 formatting instructions).

official IEEE Templates page