Rebecca Zibetti
Giovanni Caricato
"Buddy for incoming Erasmus students at the Department of Cultural Heritage. - Anastasia Giannuzzi
For any information about courses and classrooms, doubts and other necessities the buddy is always available at this email address: She receives in presence by appointment via email"
Mobilità tecnici-amministrativi
Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici/Post-graduate School in Archaeology
The School is one of the foremost schools of its type in Italy. Its lecturers and students can boast innovative fieldwork around the Mediterranean, the Near East, North Africa.
Its curriculum is broad based, extending from Palaeolithic to Modern times, and covers not only archaeology, bioarchaeology, landscape studies and ancient topography, but also art history, numismatics, museum studies and dating techniques. Recent additions to the syllabus include human ecology, cultural heritage management and economics.
The School is also actively involved in investigating the effects of environmental change and increasing cultural tourism on our unique heritage.
The School’s offices and lecture rooms are located within the Department of Cultural Heritage buildings, which also contain various specialist laboratories and one of the best archaeological libraries south of Rome. The Department also manages the University’s archaeological museum (MUSA) and the archaeological park in Cavallino. The Department, itself, is close to the centre of Lecce, whose Baroque old town is famous all over the world. In fact, much of the School’s fieldwork, which gives our students valuable experience, is concentrated in and around Lecce.
This is the Salento, the heel of Italy, and geographical centre for cross-cultural links between East and West, North and South, and, in particular, with Greece and the Balkans.
Three curricula are currently active: Prehistory and Protohistory; Classical Archaeology, Eastern Archaeology and Medieval Archaeology. The duration of the course is two years (120 ECTS). The course is taught in Italian.
CISA. Centro Internazionale di Studi sulla Storia e l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico / CISA. International Centre on Adriatic History and Archaeology
A partire dalla primavera del 2019 è stato istituito il CISA che accoglie le seguenti università e centri di ricerca: l’Università degli Studi di Macerata (sede amministrativa); la Aix-Marseille Université; l’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro; l’Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna; il Centro nazionale di ricerca scientifica (CNRS); l’Université de Bordeaux Montaigne (Université de Bordeaux-III); l’Università degli Studi di Chieti-Pescara; l’Università degli Studi di Ferrara; l’Università degli Studi di Foggia; il Centro di Ricerca dell’Accademia Slovena di Scienze e Arti di Lubiana; l’Università degli Studi di Padova; l’Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola; l’Università di Rijeka; l’École Française de Rome; l’Università del Salento; l’Istituto Archeologico– Accademia di Studi Albanologici di Tirana; l’Università degli Studi di Trieste; l’Università degli Studi di Verona; l’Università di Zara (Sveučilište u Zadru). A partire dall’estate 2021 è stata approvata l’adesione al Centro anche dell’Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, dell’UMR CNRS 6249 Chrono-environnement - Université de Franche-Comté di Besançon, dell’UMR CNRS 6298 ARTEHIS - Archéologie, Terre, Histoire, Société - Université de Bourgogne di Dijon. Il centro è nato da una pluriennale cooperazione che ha portato alla realizzazione dell’Atlante informatizzato dell’Adriatico, accessibile online ( informatizzato). Oggi esso continua a perseguire l’obiettivo di sviluppare un confronto ed un dibattito permanente sui temi della storia e dell’archeologia dei paesi che si affacciano sul Mare Adriatico in una prospettiva diacronica che va dalla Protostoria all’età Medievale.
Già nel 2017 la cooperazione del CISA aveva portato alla definizione di un panel in seno al RAC/TRAC – Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference.
Annualmente il CISA si riunisce in assemblea telematica per l’organizzazione delle attività del centro, che includono la realizzazione di un sito web, l’implementazione di social, le nuove adesioni al centro. In particolare si segnala lo sviluppo di dibattiti su tematiche scientifiche per l’organizzazione di convegni e per la partecipazione a progetti di ricerca basati sulla cooperazione internazionale.
Si sono organizzati convegni nella primavera del 2018 a Bari su “Paesaggi costieri”, nella primavera del 2019 a Bologna sul tema “Produzioni artigianali in area adriatica: manufatti, ateliers e attori (III sec. a.C. - V sec. d.C.)”, nell’estate del 2022 a Macerata su “Reti adriatiche: uomini, merci, idee”. Gli atti dei convegni vengono pubblicati da Pessac, Ausonius éditions, collection PrimaLun@ 8.
E’ in fase di organizzazione un workshop che si terrà a Lecce nel febbraio 2024 dal titolo “Intorno all’Adriatico: archeologia dei contesti e cultura materiale nelle fasi della conquista romana”.
English version
As of spring 2019, the CISA has been established with the following universities and research centres: the University of Macerata (administrative headquarters); the Aix-Marseille Université; the University of Bari Aldo Moro; the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna; the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS); the Université de Bordeaux Montaigne (Université de Bordeaux-III); the University of Chieti-Pescara; the University of Ferrara; the University of Foggia; the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana; the University of Padua; the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula; the University of Rijeka; the École Française de Rome; the University of Salento; the Archaeological Institute - Academy of Albanian Studies in Tirana; the University of Trieste; the University of Verona; the University of Zadar (Sveučilište u Zadru). As of summer 2021, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the UMR CNRS 6249 Chrono-environnement - Université de Franche-Comté in Besançon, the UMR CNRS 6298 ARTEHIS - Archéologie, Terre, Histoire, Société - Université de Bourgogne in Dijon will also join the Centre. The centre was born from many years of cooperation that led to the creation of the computerised Atlas of the Adriatic, accessible online ( Today, it continues to pursue the objective of developing a permanent discussion and debate on the topics of history and archaeology of the countries bordering the Adriatic Sea in a diachronic perspective ranging from Protohistory to the Medieval Age.
Already in 2017, CISA’s cooperation led to the establishment of a panel within the RAC/TRAC - Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Annually, the CISA meets in a telematic assembly to organise the centre’s activities, which include the development of a website, the implementation of socials, and new memberships to the centre. In particular, there is the development of discussions on scientific topics for the organisation of conferences and participation in research projects based on international cooperation.
Conferences were organised in the spring of 2018 in Bari on ‘Coastal Landscapes’, in the spring of 2019 in Bologna on ‘Handicraft Production in the Adriatic Area: Artefacts, Ateliers and Actors (3rd century BC - 5th century AD)’, in the summer of 2022 in Macerata on ‘Adriatic Networks: Men, Goods, Ideas’. The conference proceedings are published by Pessac, Ausonius éditions, collection PrimaLun@ 8.
A workshop is being organised to be held in Lecce in February.
Macerata 2022 Convegno Reti Adriatiche [jpg]
Macerata 2022 Convegno Reti Adriatiche [jpg]
Learning objectives
Through two curricula articulated on a diachronic scale, the course of study provides an in-depth study of the themes inherent to the study of cultural heritage (from prehistory to modern and contemporary times).
Particular attention is paid to methodological aspects transversal to the various fields, aimed at the reconstruction of historical processes, territorial, socio-economic and legal contexts as well as cultural and environmental landscapes. The doctoral student will master the critical tools and methodologies for analysing the types of documentary sources functional to the study of tangible and intangible heritage: from the analysis of historical-literary documentation and of artistic and musical production to the management of archaeological field research, to the reconstruction of landscapes, through the study of artefacts and eco-facts and the application of information and archaeometric technologies for cultural heritage. The course also provides skills in the areas of museology, conservation, valorisation, also for the purposes of cultural tourism, and the management of research projects, appropriately orienting linguistic and IT training: from multilingual presentation and communication strategies to multimedia and web-based technologies for research, digital reconstruction and dissemination.
Expected occupational and professional outlets
Areas of insertion:
Research sector (universities, public and private centres for research, protection, management and promotion of cultural heritage at national and international level)- Public Administration: Cultural Heritage professions (conservators, museum directors, high-level consultants in local government bodies, management roles in PA)
Businesses and Cultural Services: Cultural and Creative Industries sector (new professions linked to innovation in the field of content production, digital communication, ICT).The three-year course leads to the creation of a professional figure of expert in the field of Cultural Heritage Sciences with competences for the determination of territorial governance processes capable of bringing together public and private actors, and of orienting intervention policies for the safeguard, protection and management of cultural and environmental heritage within the framework of the various bodies (regional, national and international). The skills acquired during the course can also be used in the cultural and creative industry sector, i.e. in the new economic sectors that are increasingly developing around the promotion of cultural heritage, in order to respond to the ‘right to cultural heritage’ - ratified by the European Faro Convention - and to the sharp increase in the ‘demand for culture’ worldwide, as recorded in the European Commission’s report on the cultural heritage.