Conference publications

Short papers (4/6 pages) that undergo peer review will be published in a book edited by Springer. Papers must be submitted online through the conference website, adhering closely to the template for the submission downloadable here, following the path Conference Proceedings > Authors > Important downloads for authors.

Dear authors,

below you will find some initial guidelines for drafting your papers. For all other matters, we invite you to refer to the website linked above.

- The language of the publication will be English.

- The volume will not be produced by camera-ready offset procedure, but by conventional typesetting. It is therefore of the outmost importance that you keep to all the deadlines.

- Literature citations should be ordered alphabetically at the end of the paper (section References); for citation in the text please indicate the number in square brackets. You will find different examples for a correct citation in the Springer macros, but we kindly ask you to follow this instruction.

- Color figures will appear in color in the eBook, but may be printed in black and white if not strictly necessary from a scientific perspective. In that case, do not refer to color in the captions and make sure that the main information will still be visible if converted to black and white.

- Figures and Tables must be reproduced in high resolution, and when necessary you must obtain the permission from the owner as described here:

Should you have any problems or questions concerning the manuscript preparation, please do not hesitate to contact; for all content matters please turn directly to the Editors of the book.

Best regards,

Francesca Bonadei

Executive Editor Mathematics and Statistics, Springer