AVI 2020

International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces

Ischia Island, Italy

September 28 - October 2, 2020


The Conference registration fees, including VAT, for AVI 2020 are as follows.


Early (before 21 August, 2020): ACM Member € 700 / Non member € 780 / Student € 450

Late: ACM Member € 800 / Non member € 880 / Student € 500

Full registration includes access to all technical sessions, all lunches and coffee breaks on 28, 29, 30 September and 1, 2 October 2020, the welcome reception on 30.9, the social dinner on 1.10 and the AVI party on 2.10.


Early (before 21 August, 2020): ACM Member € 600 / Non member € 680 / Student € 350

Late : ACM Member € 700 / Non member € 780 / Student € 400

Conference registration includes access to all technical sessions of the conference (not workshops), all lunches and coffee breaks on 30 September and 1, 2 October 2020, the welcome reception on 30.9, the social dinner on 1.10 and the AVI party on 2.10.


ACM Member € 250 / Non member € 270

Remote participants will be able to access all the technical sessions, including workshops.


Early (before 21 August, 2020): € 250 / Student € 150

Late : € 350 / Student € 250

Remote participation: € 100

Physical participation includes access to all technical sessions of the workshops, the lunch and coffee breaks on 28, 29 September and 2 October 2020, and the welcome reception on 30 September.

IMPORTANT : All accepted papers (conference and workshops) should be associated to a proper (i.e., not student) registration. Student registration should be accompanied by a proper certification of the student status (copy of the University card, letter from the advisor on letterhead, signed and stamped, ecc.). Student registration are not acceptable for presenting authors, i.e., if the only author attending the event and presenting the paper is a student, s/he needs to register in the normal category.


  • For any issue or question about the registration procedure, please contact: info@me4job.com