Integration and Testing

The Helmholtz cage and spherica air-bearing at SIA Flight Mechanics Lab "Michele D. Sirinian"

The Thermo-Vacuum chamber at SIA LARES Lab

Testing the EPS operative modes at SIA AerosPower Lab

EPS and the PHOEBE OBC integrated to the STECCO Engineering Unit

Integration of the STECCO Engineering Unit

The PHOEBE OBC integrated to the STECCO Engineering Unit

TX/RX and PHOEBE OBC testing at SIA Nanosatellite Electronics Lab

CCR, kill switches, EGG and antenna in the STECCO Engineering Unit

Measurement of the STECCO antenna impedence

A dummy model of STECCO after the integration test

The STECCO Engineering Unit

Flight Unit

The STECCO Flight Unit

Integration of the STECCO Flight Unit

Integration of STECCO solar panels

Integration of STECCO to UNISAT-7

STECCO into the GAUSS PocketQube deployer

STECCO integrated to UNISAT-7

STECCO into UNISAT-7 integrated to the Soyuz-Fregat launch vehicle

The Soyuz-Fregat on the launch pad of Baikonur cosmodrome. STECCO ready for launch!