Software Development

Developer of algorithms for the numerical solution of PDEs, videogames, apps, real-time physics simulations, biological simulations, including

  • 3DMazeVR, a virtual reality experience for Oculus Quest 2 in a 3D maze, based on classical algorithms including recursive backtracking for the procedural generation of random 3D mazes, the Dijkstra's method for optimal pathfinding, and the Marching Cubes method for visualization of implicit argebraic surfaces

  • HJSD - Hamilton-Jacobi on Stratified Domains, based on the numerical solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equations on flat stratified domains in two and three dimensions

  • SPNET - Sand Piles on NETworks, based on the numerical solution of a system of PDEs of Monge-Kantorovich type on networks

  • PacmanHJ: a classic arcade videogame powered by Hamilton-Jacobi equations, based on the numerical solution of PDEs related to classical optimal control problems and differential games

  • Vurpo, an interactive simulator of an octopus tentacle-like soft manipulator, based on the numerical solution of optimal control problems for a PDE related to the nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beam model

  • Myrmedrome, an interactive simulator of the evolution of ant colonies in competition for environmental resources, inspired by the classical Game of Life

  • Not Equal: The first videogame in wheelchair, winner of the competition “Giovani Idee Cambiano l’Italia”, promoted for purposes of social utility by “Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per le politiche giovanili e le attività sportive” in 2007

Computer Skills