
More about Tina

Tina is the director of the PDI lab. Her research focuses on the personality determinants (e.g., self-efficacy beliefs) of prosocial and antisocial behavior, the development of positive parenting practices, and the implementation of school-based intervention programs. 

More about Maria Grazia

Maria (alias Maria Grazia) 's research focuses on the relations among personality individual differences and youths' adjustment (prosocial behavior, academic achievement) and maladjustment (aggresive beavior and depressive tendencies) .  She is also involved in the evaluation of intervention aimed to promote positive youth development and safer internet use

More about Laura

Laura's research focuses on the continuity and change of individual differences that predict youths’ psychological (mal)adjustment, accounting for socialization factors, especially in regard to emotion regulation-related constructs and social competence.  

More about Antonio

Antonio's research focuses on the antecedents (e.g., self-efficacy beliefs) and outcomes (e.g., mental well-being, academic achievement) of prosocial development from childhood to young adulthood.  He mostly investigates these research questions using latent variable approaches for longitudinal data. 

Concetta (Tina) Pastorelli, PhD

Full Professor

Maria (Grazia) Gerbino, PhD

Associate Professor

Laura Di Giunta, PhD

Associate Professor

Antonio Zuffianò, PhD

Associate Professor

Postdoctoral Research Fellows

More about Chiara

Chiara is a Post-doctoral Researcher: Her research interests focus on the influence of personality and temperament characteristics on adolescents’ and young adults’ risky behaviours, with particular emphasis on the online context. Ongoing research is about the study of individual and contextual factors in the development of  sexting and problematic internet-related behaviours over the life course. 

More about Ainzara

Ainzara is a Post-doctoral researcher. Her studies concern mainly adolescents'' profiles of personality individual differences and their associations with maladjustment, and in individual and contextual factors that sustain youths' positive use of digital technologies  and counteract internet related risks

More about Eriona

Eriona is a Post-doctoral Researcher. Her main research interests focus on the influence of parents’ personality and parenting on child/adolescent’s development. Ongoing research is about the study of individual and family characteristics that buffer the negative effects of adverse life events on psychological adjustment over the life course in young adults. 

Chiara Remondi, PhD

Ainzara Favini, PhD

Eriona Thartori, PhD

Doctoral Students

More about Fulvio

Fulvio is a Ph.D Student. His research interests include the relations between prosocial behavior and well-being. Fulvio has received training in intensive longitudinal data analysis 

More about Silvia

Silvia is a Ph.D. student. Her research interests focus on the determinants and consequences of pro-environmental behavior. Silvia has knowledge of structural equation modeling and longitudinal data analysis

More about Lucia

Lucia is Ph.D. student. Her research interests focus on self-efficacy beliefs in emotion-regulation and well-being. Lucia has training in analyzing  intensive longitudinal data

More about Giulia

Fulvio Gregori 

Second-year PhD student

Silvia Caldaroni

Second-year PhD student

Lucia Manfredi

Second-year PhD student

Giulia Gliozzo

Third-year PhD student

More about Chiara

Chiara is a Ph.D Student. Her research interests focus on socio-emotional adjustment, parenting, and emotion regulation

Chiara Riccioni

Second-year PhD student

Former Members (Selection)

Carolina Lunetti, PhD (2014-2023)

Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology. Faculty of Education Sciences. Guglielmo Marconi University

Flavia Cirimele, PhD (2018-2022)

Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology. Department of Culture and Society. University of Palermo

Enrico Perinelli, PhD (2014-2018)

Assistant Professor. Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento

Paula Luengo Kanacri, PhD (2008-2015)

Associate Professor. Escuela de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile