

LAttice STructures for Energy aBsorption: advanced numerical analysis and optimal design (LASTEB)

DIgital twins and MOdel updating of Structural Elements and Systems exhibiting eminently nonlinear dynamic behavior (DI-MOSES)

"Structural health monitoring of road and rail bridges and viaducts using Machine Learning techniques integrated with Finite Element modeling"

"Development of enhanced computational models for static and dynamic nonlinear analysis of thin-walled frame structures and bridges"

"ANalysis, modeling, DIAgnostics and MOnitoring of monumental structures and infrastructures"

"XFAST-SIMS: Extra fast and accurate simulation of complex structural systems"

"Mechanics of soft fibered active materials"

"Development of enhanced finite elements for the nonlinear analysis of three-dimensional thin-walled frame structures or RC members under shear and torsion"

Scientific journal reviewer

Editorial board memeber

Scientific association affiliation