The Laboratory of Paleoanthropology and Bioarchaeology is active since 1989 and is currently part of the Department of Environmental Biology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Research activities of the Lab are strictly linked to those of the Museum of Anthropology "G. Sergi" of the same Department. The head of the lab is Professor Giorgio Manzi, palaeontologist anthropologist and populariser of science.

Macro- and microevolutionary studies of non-human primates, hominids, human species and populations are carried out by investigating skeletal remains (bones and teeth) through osteological analysis, isotopic analysis, digital data acquisition and geometric morphometry techniques. Research concerns Primatology, Paleoanthropology, Biology of ancient human populations (Paleodemography, Human Paleobiology, Paleopathology, etc.) and functional bio-mechanics.

The Lab houses many human skeletal series from prehistoric, protohistoric and historical times, as well as important comparison collections of fossil hominid and primate casts.  There are anthropometric and optical microscopy instruments for the osteological investigation, equipment for photogrammetry, access to hardware and software for big data analysis. The isotopic laboratory is run by Professor Mary Anne Tafuri and is equipped with all the technical instrumentation to prepare samples for isotopic mass spectrometry analyses.