Molecular spin interfaces

Magnetic remanence at room temperature of archetypal spin interfaces, once paired with a tunable magnetic substrate, opens the possibility to produce future operational spintronic devices.  FePc assembled on graphene/Co couples antiferromagnetically with Co up to RT, while CuPc couples ferromagnetically. 

These archetypal spin interfaces can be prototypes to demonstrate how antiferromagnetic and/or ferromagnetic coupling can be optimized by selecting the molecular orbital symmetry. 

Relevant publications:

Avvisati G., Gargiani P., Mondelli P., Presel F., Baraldi A., Betti M. G., Superexchange pathways stabilize the magnetic coupling of MnPc with Co in a spin interface mediated by graphene, Physical Review B 98, 115412 (2018)

Avvisati G., Cardoso C., Varsano D., Ferretti A., Gargiani P., Betti M. G., Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic coupling of spin molecular interfaces with high thermal stability, Nano Letters 18, 2268-2273 (2018)