
Personal Data

 Last Name: Ansini

 First Name: Nadia

 Nationality : Italian

 Civil status: Married with two children

 Languages : Italian, English, Spanish and  French

Current Position : Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at Department of Mathematics Guido Castelnuovo, Sapienza


European Grants as Principal Investigator


Postdocs and Research Contracts (2001-2008)

Italian Funding as Principal Investigator

Italian Funding as Investigator

Progetto Medio per la ricerca di Ateneo ( 2009- 2022); Gnampa (2006 and 2012); Prin (since 1997--).

Short Visits (more than 2 weeks, less than 1 month)

 July 2004 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France (European Network HMS2000, invited by Doina Cioranescu). 

 October 2005 University of Bath, Bath Institute for Complex Systems (BICS), Department of Mathematical Sciences, UK (invited by Johannes Zimmer).

 July 2011 Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Pittsburgh, USA (invited by Irene Fonseca).

Co-Organisation of conferences

Summer schools, workshops and seminars/minicourse for Ph.D. students and Young researchers.

Nadia Ansini had the opportunity to participate either as organiser or as speakers to events mainly devoted to Ph.D. students and young researchers. Summer schools and workshops provide a great opportunity for more advanced students to learn about specialised topics, present their own research and build their own scientific network.

Services to the scientific community 

Co-Examiner and Member of the panel for Ph.D. defence 

Teaching Activities


At Sapienza:

In Italy: University of Cassino (Faculty of Engineering)

Formal Advisor of Master’s Degree students in Mathematics

Selected seminars (invited speaker)