Machine Learning for Industrial Engineering

Master Degree in Industrial/Management Engineering

All students following the course in the A.Y. 2023/2024 are requested to register in Google Classroom using the e-mail "". The registration code for the course is phjlu4f.

WARNING! The course is open to other students of the Faculty and of the University who are interested in the covered items, as there are NO preparatory or mandatory courses to be taken before.

Lectures will start on Wednesday the 27 of September and they will be held in the classroom IN PRESENCE ONLY ith the following time schedule:

N.B.  There are shown actual times of lectures, bearing in mind that 15 minutes per hour are reserved for questions and discussions.

Office hours are scheduled by appointment and can be held either in person or remotely.

NOTICE. For each type of communication or inquiries related to the course, students are kindly requested to send me an e-mail writing in the SUBJECT "Machine Learning IE" and in the text body the following data: name, surname and university ID number. I will try to answer as soon as possible.