

L.Fedele, “Methodologies and techniques for advanced maintenance”, Springer, January 2011.

R.Cigolini, A.Deshmukh, L.Fedele, S.McComb, “Recent advances in maintenance and infrastructure management”, Springer, November 2008.

L.Fedele, “Progettare e gestire la sicurezza”, Mc Graw Hill, ottobre 2008.

L.Fedele, L.Furlanetto, D.Saccardi, “Progettare e gestire la manutenzione”, Mc Graw Hill, luglio 2004.

Alcune pubblicazioni:
A.J.N. Akel, G.Di Gravio, L..Fedele, R..Patriarca, "Learning from incidents in socio-technical systems: a systems-theoretic analysis in the railway sector", Infrastructures, 2022, 7(7), 90.
F.Costantino, A.Falegnami, L.Fedele, M.Bernabei, S.Stabile, R.Bentivenga, “New and Emerging Hazards for Health and Safety within Digitalized Manufacturing Systems”, Sustainability, 2021,13(19), 10948.
F.E. Ramundo, L. Fedele, "An Heuristic Approach Toward Innovative Tire Re-Design Through Advanced Technologies", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 13 No. 3, 2020, 419-425.

L. Fedele, L. Di Vito, F.E. Ramundo, "Increasing Efficiency in an Aeronautical Engine through Maintenance Evaluation and Upgrades: Analysis of the Reliability and Performance Improvements under Financial Issues", Energies 2020, 13(12), 3059.

R.Patriarca, G.Di Gravio, F. Costantino, L.Fedele, M. Tronci, V.Bianchi, F.Caroletti, F.Bilotta, "Systemic safety management in anesthesiological practices", Safety Science, Volume 120, December 2019, Pages 850-864.

L.Fedele, F.Ramundo, "Proposal of a Systematic Approach to Risk Assessment and Management in Space Station", Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, Rome, November 20-22 2019.

S.McComb, L.Fedele, V.Simpson, P.Brunese, "An intercultural, interprofessional, immersive experience: An innovative approach to global Learning", Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad (April 2019).

L.Fedele, L.Monteleone, "Safety, maintenance and nanotechnologies: an introductory state of art about the risk assessment methodologies and the potentialities", European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoroz, Slovenia, 18-22 June 2017.

L.Fedele, "Design of organization and safety measures for the reclamation from friable asbestos of an industrial area in Italy", European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2016), Glasgow, 25-29 September 2016.

L.Fedele, E.Zio, "An Innovative Methodology for Cost Optimization of the Maintenance of Medical Devices", 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering", 7-11 September 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

L.Fedele, "La manutenzione del costruito (facility management). Opportunità professionali, occupazionali e socio-economiche nella provincia di Latina", in Pianificare in controtendenza. Nuovi programmi di ricerca e nuove lauree di ingegneria per il territorio della provincia di Latina, Aracne, Giugno 2013.

A.Deshmukh, O.M.Fahenstock, L.Fedele, S. McComb, "Improving the US Healthcare System: lessons from Italy", Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC 2013), San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2013.

L.Fedele, M.Concetti, R.Cuccioletta, G.Mercuri, "Tele-maintenance “intelligent” systems for technical plants result management", Reliability and Engineering Systems Safety International Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 94, n. 1, 2009.

R.Cigolini, L.Fedele, A.N.Villa, “Managing facilities under the result oriented multi-service approach: some insights coming from the field in Italy”, Production Planning & Control, Special Issue Maintenance and Facility Management, n. 4 Vol. 19, June 2008, Taylor & Francis.

M.Concetti, R.Cuccioletta, L.Fedele, “Analisi dei rischi e progettazione di ascensori MRL”, Elevatori, n. 2, 3 e 4, marzo-aprile/maggio-giugno/luglio-agosto 2006.

L.Fedele, M.Tronci, “Neural networks for aeronautical components maintenance and management”, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, June 14-18-2004, Berlin, Germany.

P.Cappa, L.Fedele, V.Naso, "A new device for the evaluation of the batteries state of charge", Experimental Techniques, Wiley, Vol. 23, n. 5, 1999.