
Day 2

Friday, Jan 26

Room T03 (ground floor)

9:30 - 11:00

Session A5 – Chair: Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia)

Andrea Bianco (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
In the Realm of the Senses: Body and Female Sensuality in Kawabata’s Novels about Onsen [ONLINE]

Elena Fabbretti (Tohoku University)
Kafū and Kyōka: Embodying the Edo Gesakusha in Taishō Japan

Matilde Mastrangelo (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
From Romanticism to Junshi: Mori Ōgai’s Different Approaches to Narrating the Body

Coffee break 11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30

Session A6 – Chair: Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia)

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt (Nagoya University)
Rewinding the future: Posthuman corporealities in Japanese contemporary fiction [ONLINE] 

Veronica De Pieri (University of Bologna)
The Irradiated Body: Discourse on the Feminine In The Post-Atomic Japan

Ingvild Boberg (University of Oslo)
Bodies of Water in Sakiyama Tami’s “Swaying, Swinging”

Andrea Boccardi (University of Leeds)
The Okinawan Oceanic Environment as a Colonial Body: Narrating the Trauma of the (Extra)Human in The Sea Where Dugongs Return

Lunch break 13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00

Session A7 – Chair: Sachiko Kiyama (Tohoku University)

Asumi Suzuki (Tohoku University)
Correlation between the use of linguistic particle as an indicator of social embodiment and interoceptive awareness

Luna Frezza (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
Visible and invisible: the self-harmed body in Kobayashi Eriko’s narrative

Cinzia Calzolari (Independent scholar)
Shapeshifting ghosts of Japan in Hawai’i: an analysis of the use of Obake and yūrei stories from pedagogy and social control, to shaping a sense of belonging

Coffee break 16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30

Session A8 – Long 1960s special panel
The transmuting body of the long 1960s and its legacy: Art, Memories, Textbooks

Chair: Emmanuel Betta (SAPIENZA University of Rome)

Ignacio Adriasola (University of British Columbia)
Like a stain. The long 1960s in/and contemporary art [ONLINE]

Hiroaki Adachi (Tohoku University)
Japan's 'Long 1960s' as Seen in High School Textbooks

Marco Del Bene (SAPIENZA University of Rome)
In search for traces of the Long 1960s in younger generations memory and in pop culture

Room T02 (ground floor)

9:30 - 11:00

Session B5 – Chair: Marco Del Bene (SAPIENZA University of Rome)

Susanne Marten-Finnis (University of Portsmouth)
To Worship the Human Body: Paradigm and Practice of Léon Bakst (1866-1924)

Klaus Friese (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität)
Japanese War Motif Textiles: Embodiment of Propaganda or Fear?

Irena Hayter (University of Leeds)
Fashion, Fascism and the Female Body in 1930s Japan

Coffee break 11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:00

Session B6 – Chair: Christopher Craig (Tohoku University)

Paride Stortini (Ghent University)
Between Modern Pilgrimage and Migration: Religious Embodiment in a Photographic Collection of Japanese Sex Workers in Southeast Asia at a Buddhist Temple in Shimabara

Lyman Gamberton (Independent scholar)
Fearing Fertility: Coerced Sterilisation, Reproductive Rights, and Transgender Parenthood in Japan

Giuseppe Strippoli (University of Edinburgh)
The Body as Technoscientific Instrument in Yumeno Kyūsaku’s “Ningen rekōdo” (1936)

Tatsuya Mitsuda (Keio University)
Cool Japan?: Bodily Negotiations of the Tokyo Summer in the Twentieth Century

Lunch break 13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00

Session B7 – Chair: Christopher Craig (Tohoku University)

Marton Szemerey (Károli Gáspár Reformed University)
Japanese Perspectives on Corporeal Aspects of Intersubjectivity

Shiyi Zha (University of Leeds)
On the Edge of Spectacle: embodied experiences in Murō Saisei’s short stories

Lorenzo Marinucci (Tohoku University)
The Scent of the Other: Identity and Embodiment Crises in Japanese-European Meetings

Coffee break 16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30

Session B8 – Chair: Matilde Mastrangelo (SAPIENZA University of Rome)

Andreas Niehaus (Ghent University) & Yabu Kōtarō (Sendai University)
Performing modernities in the ring: The 1921 MMA matches between wrestling and Kōdōkan judo as mirror of contesting national bodies [ONLINE]

Iga Rutkowska (University of Warsaw)
Embodied religion, embodied tradition. Ritual nudity – classical approach and contemporary culture

Sharalyn Orbaugh (University of British Columbia)
Depictions of the Japanese Male Body in Pain in WWII Popular Culture Propaganda