Giorgia Marini

Assistant Professor

Department of Legal and Economic Studies (DSGE)

Sapienza University of Rome

Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy

Phone +39 0649910600 Fax +39 0644910648



2025 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Professore Universitario di Seconda Fascia, Settore Concorsuale 13/A3 - SCIENZA DELLE FINANZE (validità: 07/03/2025-07/03/2037)

2005 PhD in Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

2001 MSc in Econometrics and Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

2000 BA in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


29/01/2013 –. Assistant Professor (Ricercatore Universitario – SSD: ECON-03/A - Scienza delle finanze), Department of Legal and Economic Studies (previously Department of Juridical, Philosophical and Economic Studies, DIGEF), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

01/08/2012 – 28/01/2013 Assistant Professor (Ricercatore Universitario – SSD: ECON-03/A - Scienza delle finanze), Department of Legal Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

01/05/2011 – 30/04/2012 Research Fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca – 12 months), Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. Maternity leave from 22/02/2012 to 22/07/2012

01/11/2010 – 30/04/2011 Research Fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca – 6 months), Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

31/03/2009 – 31/12/2009 Research Fellow (Prestazione d'opera con cessione di diritti d'autore), Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

2005 – 2009 Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK. Maternity leave from September 2008 to July 2009

2004 – 2005 Research Fellow (Prestazione d'opera con cessione di diritti d'autore – 6 months), Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

01/09/2001 – 30/06/2002 Research Fellow (Prestazione d'opera con cessione di diritti d'autore – 9 months), Centre for Economic and International Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Visiting Positions

04/01/2016 – 31/05/2016 Visiting Scholar at the Center on Health Policy/Center on Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR), Stanford University, CA, USA

15/08/2015 – 12/12/2015 Visiting Scholar at the Center on Health Policy/Center on Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR), Stanford University, CA, USA

23/03/2015 – 27/03/2015 Visiting Professor at the Department of Management, Imperial College Business School, London, UK

01/09/2003 – 30/06/2004 Visiting Research Student (9 months), Department for Financial and Management Studies, University of London, UK

01/09/2002 – 30/06/2003 Visiting Research Student (9 months), Department for Financial and Management Studies, University of London, UK

Research Interests

Health economics; policy impact evaluation; performance (incl. efficiency and productivity) evaluation; digital health; hospital mergers; COVID-19; income and health inequality measurement; immigrants, migrants and refugees; regulatory impact analysis/assessment.

Journal Articles

1. Angelini F, Graziano L, Marini G, Olivito E, Papa MI. Editorial. The Italian Review of International and Comparative Law, 2/2024, pp. 119-122, ISSN 2772-5642 | EISSN 2772-5650

2. Germani AR, Marini G, D'Amato A, Ker AP. Do environmental crimes contribute to air pollution? Empirical evidence and effects on health. Economia Politica, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s40888-024-00348-9

3. Marini G. Editorial. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2024, pp. 99-102, DOI: 10.1504/IJCEE.2024.138519

4. Bhattacharya J, Marini G. Is the European refugee crisis a potential threat to public health? Evidence from Italy. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2024, pp. 172-196, DOI: 10.1504/IJCEE.2024.137910 

5. Antonelli MA, Marini G. Do institutions matter for citizens’ health status? Empirical evidence from Italy. 2024. European Journal of Health Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s10198-024-01689-9

6. Cirulli V, Marini G. Are austerity measures really distressing? Evidence from Italy, Economics & Human Biology, Volume 49, 2023, 101217, ISSN 1570-677X, DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2022.101217

7. Cirulli V, Marini G. Do mergers really increase output? Evidence from English hospitals. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 94, 2023, pp. 159-189. DOI: 10.1111/apce.12374. Top 10% downloaded articles (among work published in an issue between 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022, up to 12 months after publication)

8. Cirulli V, Giardini F, Marini G. Piani di Rientro: a che punto siamo? Politiche Sanitarie 2022; 23 (2): 66-80. DOI: 10.1706/3852.38357

9. Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Compagni A, Galizzi M, Garofano M, Ghislandi S, Giannoni M, Marini G, Vainieri M. Response to COVID-19: Was Italy (un)prepared? Health Economics, Policy and Law, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2022, pp 1-13. DOI: 10.1017/S1744133121000141

10. Marini G. Dynamics and stability in an OLG model with non-separable preferences. Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica 2022; LXXVI (1): 179-190. ISSN: 0035-6832

11. Marini G, Mele M. Valutazione della performance nella pubblica amministrazione. Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica 2021; LXXV (3): 173-184. ISSN: 0035-6832

12. Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Compagni A, Galizzi M, Garofano M, Ghislandi S, Giannoni M, Marini G, Vainieri M. Corona-regionalism? Differences in regional responses to COVID-19 in Italy, Health Policy, Volume 125, Issue 9, 2021, pp 1179-1187, ISSN: 0168-8510, DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2021.07.012

13. Castaldo A, Antonelli MA, De Bonis V, Marini G. Determinants of health sector efficiency: evidence from a two-step analysis on 30 OECD countries. Economics Bulletin 2020; 40(2): pp 1-42. ISSN: 1545-2921

14. Marini G. A note on the power of panel cointegration tests – An application to health care expenditure and GDP. Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access 2016; 2(2): pp 1-4. DOI: 10.4172/heor.1000113

15. Goddard M, Gravelle H, Hole A, Marini G. Where did all the GPs go? Increasing supply and geographical equity. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2010; 15(1): 28-35. ISSN: 1355-8196. DOI: 10.1258/jhsrp.2009.009003

16. Marini G, Miraldo M, Jacobs R, Goddard M. Giving greater financial independence to hospitals – does it make a difference? The case of English NHS Trusts. Health Economics 2008; 17(6): 751–775. ISSN: 1057-9230. DOI: 10.1002/hec.1292

17. Mannion R, Marini G, Street A. Implementing Payment by Results in the NHS. Changing incentives and the role of information. Journal of Health Organisation and Management 2008; 22(1): 79–88. ISSN: 1477-7266. DOI: 10.1108/14777260810862425

18. Marini G, Street A. A transaction costs analysis of changing contractual relations in the English NHS. Health Policy 2007; 83(1): 17–26. ISSN: 0168-8510. DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2006.11.007

19. Atella V, Marini G. Is health care expenditure really a luxury good? A reassessment and new evidence based on OECD data. Rivista di Politica Economica Marzo-Aprile 2007; Anno XCVII – SERIE III (III-IV): 87-119. ISSN: 0035-6468

20. Marini G. Effetti non-Keynesiani della politica fiscal: il ruolo delle aspettative. Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica 2004; LVIII (3-4): 127-146. ISSN: 0035-6832


21. Marini G, Rodano G. 2024. L'economia delle migrazioni. Il caso italiano, Carocci editore, Roma. ISBN: 978-882-902-737-8. Media coverage: La Repubblica, Affari&Finanza, pag. 15, n. 33, 4 November 2024; Domani, pag. 5, year V, n. 330, 29 November 2024; Menabò di ETICA ED ECONOMIA n. 226/2024, 1 December 2024; Radio Popolare, Pubblica, 03/12/2024 ( Book presentation: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 23 January 2025; Sapienza University of Roma, 10 June 2025.

Chapters in Books

22. Marini G, Chiarito D, Mele M. Accountability e performance del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale italiano: misurazione, valutazione e rendicontazione, «I paper dell’Osservatorio», Osservatorio AIR, febbraio 2025, P 1/2025. ISSN 2280-8698.

23. Antonelli MA, Marini G. CONTESTO SOCIOECONOMICO, QUALITÀ DELLE ISTITUZIONI E DISEGUAGLIANZE DI SALUTE: UN’ANALISI REGIONALE in Ciolli I. (ed.) SALUTE DISEGUALE. Quali istituzioni per il diritto di tutti alla salute (pp. 107-132). Napoli, Italia: Editoriale Scientifica. 2024. ISBN: 979-12-5976-991-6

24. Giannoni M, Vainieri M, Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Ghislandi S, Marini G, Nuti S. The Coronavirus Pandemic and Inequality in Italy, in: Johnson-Lars, S. The Coronavirus Pandemic and Inequality (pp. 85-130), Palgrave Macmillan series on Global Perspectives on Wealth and Distribution, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 1st edition. ISBN: 978-30-312-2218-4, ISSN 2662-382X, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-22219-1

25. Antonelli MA, Marini G. Assessing health status inequality: an empirical analysis for Italian Regions in MA Antonelli (ed.) Inequality, welfare policies and macroeconomic sustainability of public finances (pp. 29-59). Milano, Italia: McGraw Hill Education. 2022. ISBN: 978-88-386-5749-8

26. Mele M, Marini G. Evoluzione del ruolo dello Stato: dalla teoria economica del modello Arrow Debreu all'approccio del New Public Management in V. De Bonis (ed.) L’EVOLUZIONE DELL’INTERVENTO PUBBLICO NELL’ECONOMIA. LIBER AMICORUM IN ONORE DI GIUSEPPE CAMPA (pp. 173-214). Torino, Italia: G. Giappichelli Editore. 2020. ISBN: 978-88-600-8618-1

27. Giardini F, Marini G, La valutazione di impatto ambientale in Italia: applicazione al caso Expo 2015, «I paper dell’Osservatorio», Osservatorio AIR,, ottobre 2018, P 1/2018. ISSN: 2280-8698

28. Marini G. La sanità in Italia: determinanti della spesa sanitaria regionale. In M. A. Antonelli e V. De Bonis (ed.), Spesa pubblica, welfare e diritti (pp. 81-96). Torino, Italia: G. Giappichelli Editore. 2016. ISBN/EAN: 978-88-921-0385-6

Working Papers

1. Cirulli V, Marini G. The Impact of Hospital Mergers on Performance: New Evidence from English NHS Data. Available at SSRN:, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.5144086

2. Germani AR, Marini G, D’Amato A, Ker A, Do Environmental Crimes Contribute to Air Pollution? Empirical Evidence and Effects on Health, 2023,, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4463437

3. Cirulli V, Marini G, Marini MA, Straume OR, Do Hospital Mergers Reduce Waiting Times? Theory and Evidence from the English NHS, Nota di Lavoro 014.2023, Milano, Italy: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

4. Antonelli MA, Marini G. Good Health with Good Institutions. An empirical analysis for Italian Regions, Public Finance Research Papers, Istituto di Economia e Finanza, DSGE. Sapienza University of Rome. 2023. E-PFRP N.61. ISSN: 2284-2527

5. Marini G. A note on the power of panel cointegration tests – An application to health care expenditure and GDP, Public Finance Research Papers, Istituto di Economia e Finanza, DSGE. Sapienza University of Rome. 2016. E-PFRP N.21. ISSN: 2284-2527

6. Marini G. Dynamics in an OLG model with non-separable preferences, Public Finance Research Papers, Istituto di Economia e Finanza, DSGE. Sapienza University of Rome. 2015. E-PFRP N.15. ISSN: 2284-2527

7. Atella V, Belotti F, Daidone S, Ilardi G, Marini G. Cost-Containment Policies and Hospital Efficiency: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Hospitals. April 2012. CEIS Working Paper No. 228, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2038398

8. Marini G, Miraldo M. The costs of new organisational and financial freedom: The case of English NHS trusts. University of York: Health Econometrics Data Group. Working Paper 09/26. 2009. ISSN: 1751-1976

9. Marini G, Miraldo M. Economies of scale and scope in the English hospital sector. Imperial College London: Imperial College Business School. Discussion Papers 2009/05. 2009. ISSN: 1744-6783

10. Hole A, Marini G, Goddard M, Gravelle H. Fairness in primary care procurement. Measures of under-doctoredness: Sensitivity analysis and trends. University of York: Centre for Health Economics. Research Paper 35. 2008

11. Marini G, Street A. The administrative costs of payment by results. University of York: Centre for Health Economics. Research Paper 17. 2006

Conference Proceedings

1. Marini G. Have mergers affected hospital activity in the English hospital sector? 8th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), Helsinki, Finland. 7-10 July 2010.

2. Marini G, Miraldo M. Measuring economies of scale and scope in the English secondary care. 7th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE). Rome, Italy. 23-26 July 2008.

3. Marini G, Street A. Changing contractual relations in the English NHS – A transaction costs analysis. 6th iHEA World Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark. 8-11 July 2007.

4. Goddard M, Jacobs R, Marini G. Giving greater independence to providers: does it make a difference? 6th European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE). Budapest, Hungary. 6-9 July 2006. European Journal of Health Economics 2006; 7(1 Suppl.): 7-104. DOI: 10.1007/s10198-006-0368-8. ISSN: 1618-7598


1. Atella V, Belotti F, Marini G. Upcoding, cream skimming, appropriateness and utilisation: a set of indicators to evaluate Italian hospitals. A report for the Italian Department of Health (In Italian). August 2011; December 2011 (update)

2. Atella V, Marini G, Proietti T. Estimates of regional public health expenditure in Italy. A report for the Italian Department of Health (In Italian). August 2010

3. Atella V, Marini G, Trovato G. The effects of changes in co-payment on hospitalisation: evidence from local data between 2004 and 2007. A report for the Italian Department of Health (In Italian). August 2010; February 2011 (update); August 2011(update); December 2011 (update)

4. Atella V, Belotti F, Marini G. Hospital efficiency, ownership and specialisation: evidence from a panel of Italian hospitals between 2004 and 2007. A report for the Italian Department of Health (In Italian). August 2010; February 2011 (update); August 2011 (update)

5. Atella V, Marini G, Proietti T. Short and long-run forecast of public health expenditure in Italy. A report for the Italian Department of Health (In Italian). February 2010; February 2011 (update)

6. Goddard M., Jacobs R, Marini G. et al. The economics of organisations: The case of Foundation Trusts. A report for The Nuffield Foundation. March 2010

Other Publications

1. Marini G, Miraldo M, Jacobs R, Goddard M. Foundation Trusts in the NHS: does more freedom make a difference? Health Policy Matters 2007; 13:1-8

2. Mannion R, Marini G, Street A. Demand management and administrative costs under payment by results. Health Policy Matters 2006; 12:1-8


1. Marini G. #Signora economia: il sandwich della cura porta al burnout: come evitarlo, 10 November 2024,

2. Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Compagni A, Garofano M, Giannoni M, Marini G, Vainieri M. Italy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic – Original post (April 2020).

3. Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Compagni A, Garofano M, Giannoni M, Marini G, Vainieri M. Italy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic: Update (May 2020).

4. Bosa I, Castelli A, Castelli M, Ciani O, Compagni A, Garofano M, Giannoni M, Marini G, Vainieri M. Italy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic: Second update (August 2020).

Grants and Scholarships

2022 “Migration and Religion in International Law (MiReIL). Research-based Proposals for Inclusive, Resilient, and Multicultural Societies” (PI: Giuseppe Pascale). PRIN 2022. Project code: 202289MEPH. ERC: SH2_4. € 224,338.00.

2022 “The impact of digital technology on hospital efficiency and performance”. Fondi ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. 2022 Visiting Professor Call. Invited Professor: Adriana Castelli (University of York). € 5,000

2021 “Hospital Competition and Quality. A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation” (PI: Marco Marini). Fondi di ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. Research grant n. RM12117A8AF18CC3. € 12,000.00

2020 “L'immigrazione tra emergenza sanitaria ed emergenza economica. Una prospettiva interdisciplinare” (PI: Gianluca Bascherini). Fondi di ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. Research grant n. RM120172A83AACF8. € 10,000.00

2019 “The Effects of Mergers in Quality-segmented Markets” (PI: Marco Marini). Fondi di ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. Research grant n. RP11916B754FC238. € 4,000.00

2018 “Regolazione e tassazione dei sin goods: profili di efficienza versus istanze equitative” (PI: Angelo Castaldo). Fondi di ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. Research grant n. RM1181643668A041. € 10,000.00

2016 “Il destino dei social welfare rights” (PI: Valeria De Bonis). Fondi di ricerca di Ateneo, Sapienza. Research grant n. RM116154CA8D8737. € 8,000.00

01/05/2011 – 30/04/2012 (with V. Atella and other colleagues at the University of Rome Tor Vergata) Research grant (Assegno di Ricerca), Ministry of Health. Research grant No: 0025523-P-21/07/2009. € 16,138.00

01/11/2010 – 30/04/2011 (with V. Atella and other colleagues at the University of Rome Tor Vergata) Research grant (Assegno di Ricerca), Ministry of Health. Research grant No: 0025523-P-21/07/2009. € 8,069.00

31/03/2009 – 31/12/2009 (with V. Atella and other colleagues at the University of Rome Tor Vergata) Research grant (Prestazione d'opera con cessione di diritti d'autore), Ministry of Health. Research grant No: 0025523-P-21/07/2009. € 12,493.64

2009 (with M. Goddard and other colleagues at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York) Social Science Small Grant, The Nuffield Foundation. Ref No: SGS/36295. Project title: The economics of organisations - The case of Foundation Trusts. £ 7,158

2001 – 2004 PhD scholarship, University of Rome Tor Vergata. € 31,685

2002 Post-graduate study scholarship, Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza dei Dottori Commercialisti

2001 MSc scholarship, University of Rome Tor Vergata. € 3,000

1995 – 1999 Various undergraduate scholarships awarded by Sapienza University of Rome, Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza dei Dottori Commercialisti, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica


Department of Legal and Economic Studies (DSGE), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Health Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG), University of York, UK

The European Health Policy Group (EHPG)


International Health Economics Association (iHEA)

UK Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG)

Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria (AIES)

Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica (SIEP)

Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica (SIEDS)

Referee Activity (in alphabetic order)

Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Applied Economics, Archives of Public Health, BMC Health Services Research, Bulletin of Economic Research, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, Economics and Human Biology, Economics Bulletin, Empirical Economics, European Journal of Health Economics, Geosciences, Health and Social Care in the Community, Health Economics, Health Policy, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, iScience, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Studies, PLOS ONE, Politiche Sanitarie, Qeois, Review of Policy Research, Social Indicators Research, Social Science and Medicine, Social Science and Medicine-Mental Health

Dipartimento di Teoria Economica e Metodi Quantitativi per le Scelte Politiche Sapienza Università di Roma – Working Paper Series; CEIS Working Paper Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata; Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici ed Economici Sapienza Università di Roma - Public Finance Research Papers

Editorial Activity

Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici ed Economici Sapienza Università di Roma - Public Finance Research Papers (ISSN: 2284-2527)

International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics (ISSN 1757-1170), Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Health Economics and Econometrics”, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2024

The Italian Review of International and Comparative Law (ISSN 2772-5642), Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Migrants’ Religious Freedom in a Multilevel Legal System: Challenges and Perspectives in the Italian Context” (with F Angelini, L Graziano, E Olivito and MI Papa), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2024

Seminar/Webinar Organisation Activity

06/06/2024 AIES webinar. Invited speaker: Adriana Castelli

27/09/2024 AIES webinar. Invited speaker: Giuseppe Moscelli

23/04/2024 Inaugural Digital Health Technology iHEA SIG webinar. Invited speakers: David Cutler and Dan Zeltzer

2021-. Sapienza Economics Seminars Series (

2021-2022 GRAPE meeting ( A 3-hour session on health economics and econometrics

2006 Industrial Organisation & Health Seminar Series, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK

Conference Activity (Organizing/Scientific Committee) 

2025 INTEGRAZIONE E LIBERTÀ RELIGIOSA: LE (MANCATE) INTESE CON LE COMUNITÀ DI FEDE ISLAMICA, PRIN 2022 conference (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), scientific and organizing committee

2025 SALUTE E LIVELLI ESSENZIALI DELLE PRESTAZIONI: Tra Regionalismo Differenziato e Disuguaglianze Territoriali, AIES workshop 2024 (Rome, Italy), scientific and organizing committee

2025 iHEA Conference (Bali International Convention Centre, Bali), scientific committee (review panel)

2025 Rome Health Economics Workshop (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), scientific and organizing committee

2024 EuHEA Conference (Vienna University, Austria), scientific committee (review panel)

2024 How Genome and Exposome Data Can Open New Frontiers for Health economics and Health Policy, AIES workshop 2024 (Rome, Italy), scientific and organizing committee

2024 LA TUTELA DELLA LIBERTÀ RELIGIOSA DEI MIGRANTI IN ITALIA: UNA PROSPETTIVA INTERDISCIPLINARE, PRIN 2022 conference (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), scientific and organizing committee

2023 AIES Conference (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), host and reference of the local organizing committee

2023 LA GESTIONE DEI FLUSSI MIGRATORI TRA SOLIDARIETÀ, TUTELA DEI DIRITTI E POLITICHE SOCIALI, scientific and organizing committee (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Teaching Activity

Undergraduate Courses

2013/14 – . Analisi e Verifica di Impatto della Regolamentazione

2016/17 – . Analisi/Economia delle Politiche Pubbliche

2013/14 – 2016/17 Scienza delle Finanze

2016/17-2017/18 Economia Pubblica

Graduate Courses

2017-2018 Lecture on regulation and quasi-market (6 hours), Interuniversity II Level Master Global Regulation of Markets, Sapienza & LUISS

2013 Lecture on regulation and quasi-market (7 hours), M.Sc. In Economics and Regulation Law, Scuola Superiore dell’Economia e Finanze “Ezio Vanoni”

2005 Mathematics and Statistics for Economists (Part-Time Teacher), MSc in Finance and Financial Law, Department for Financial and Management Studies, University of London, UK

2003, 2004 Financial Analysis, Corporate Finance, Mathematics and Statistics for Economists (Part-Time Teacher and Distance Learning Tutor), MSc in Finance and Financial Law, Department for Financial and Management Studies, University of London, UK

PhD Students Supervision

12/2017 - 12/2020 Vanessa Cirulli, Matricola: 1680767, e-mail contact:, PhD programme in Economics and Finance (32° ciclo), PhD Thesis Title: Three essays in health economics

MSc Students Supervision

2005 MSc Dissertation Supervisor in Financial Management, Financial Economics and Public Policy and Management, Department for Financial and Management Studies, University of London, UK

BA Students Supervision (in alphabetic order)

2014 Stefano De Simone

2015 Francesca Giardini, Rita Gragnaniello

2016 Stefania Gaston, Maria Massafra, Michela Morrea, Osvaldo Orsini, Eliana Passacantando, Carmela Seccia, Miriam Sferra

2017 Giorgia Basile, Paolo Biagiola, Diego Mellini, Antonella Zampaglione

2018 Ramona Cruciani, Giorgio Mileto

2019 Sara Barbarella, Irene De Michele, Michele Iobbi, Maira Mele, Lorena Pace, Martina Pacione, Martina Sofia, Marta Stifani

2020 Lavinia Ascione, Giulia Ferri, Noemi Panfili, Luca Persichetti, Vianca Quinzon

2021 Monica Bellucci, Diletta Chiarito, Alessia Colella

2022 Marta Gareri, Giulia Mascioli, Mattia Mattei, Emanuela Pati

2023 Ornella De Alessandris, Martina Stypula

2024 Marino Corda, Vincenzo Delli Carri, Celeste Pacini, Clizia Stortini

2025 Alessandra Carissimo, Giulia Loreti, Giulia Mino, Giulia Perdichizzi, Ludovica Purificato

Invited speaker

2025 IEA (Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia) Conference (Salerno, Italy)

2024 Presentation of the book ‘#Signora Economia. Guida femminista al capitale delle donne’ by Federica Gentile and Giovanna Badalassi (ISBN: 979-12-80559-42-5), Spazio Europa - European Commission (Rome, Italy)

2018 Department of Economics, University of Perugia (Terni, Italy)

Conferences and Workshops (oral presentation/poster)

2024 EuHEA Conference (Wien, Austria); AIES Conference (Naples, Italy)


2022 IWcee Workshop (Rome, Italy)

2019 AIES Conference (Pisa, Italy)

2018 SIEP Conference (Padua, Italy); AIES Conference (Naples, Italy); MIGRATION, HEALTH, AND HEALTH CARE (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy)

2017 AIES Conference (Pavia, Italy)

2013 AIES Conference (Trento, Italy)

2010 HESG Meeting (London, UK); European Conference on Health Economics (Helsinki, Finland)

2009 AIES Conference (Bergamo, Italy)

2008 EuHEA Conference (Rome, Italy)

2007 Portuguese Health Economics Association Conference (Lisbon, Portugal); iHEA World Congress (Copenhagen, Denmark)

2006 HESG Meeting (York, UK); ECHE conference (Budapest, Hungary); Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Seville, Spain); HESG Meeting (London, UK)

2002 Global Health Productivity Network Conference (Bellagio, Italy)

Conferences and Workshops (chair/discussant)

2024 AIES Conference (Naples, Italy)

2023 AIES Conference (Rome, Italy)

2022 GRAPE meeting

2014 SIDE (Sapienza, Italy)

2010 HESG Meeting (London, UK)

2006 HESG Meeting (York, UK); Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Seville, Spain)

Seminars (speaker)

2023 Department of Legal and Economic Studies, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

2022 Department of Social Sciences and Economics Internal Seminars in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

2016 Department of Law, Philosophy and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

2015 Department of Management, Imperial College Business School (London, UK)

2012 Department of Law, Philosophy and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

2008 HEDG Seminar Series (York, UK); Department of Economic Theory and Quantitative Methods Seminar Series, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy)

2006 HEDG Seminar Series (York, UK); Industrial Organisation & Health Seminar Series (York, UK)

2005 Department of Public Economics Seminar Series, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy); Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome, Italy); Agenzia Italiana per il Farmaco (Rome, Italy)

2004 Department for Financial and Management Studies, Wednesday Research Seminars (London, UK)

2003 Department for Financial and Management Studies, Wednesday Research Seminars (London, UK)

2002 Department for Financial and Management Studies, Wednesday Research Seminars (London, UK)

Academic Training - Courses and Workshops (attendance)

2023 Socio economic inequality in health (National Centre for Research Methods, University of Southampton, online); RISIS Data Science Winter School on Tools and methods for analysing complex Science, Technology and Innovation systems: A gentle introduction to Network Science, Spatial Models and Machine Learning (CNR-IRCrES, Rome, Italy)

2010 Early Life and Human Capital Development - LABOUR Lectures (EIEF, Rome, Italy)

2007 Nonlinear Dynamic Panel Data Models - CeMMaP Master Class (IFS, London, UK); Introduction to STATA Programming – STATA NetCourse 151 (On-line); Advanced STATA Programming – STATA NetCourse 152 (On-line); Proposal writing - POD course (York, UK); Diversity in the Workplace Certificate – POD course (York, UK)

2006 Measuring Efficiency in Public Sector Organisations Workshop (York, UK); Time Management - POD course (York, UK); Advanced Oral Presentation Skills - POD course (York, UK); Oral Presentation Master Class - POD course (York, UK)

2005 Endnote for beginners (York, UK)

Academic Training (formazione obbligatoria)

2024 Formazione Generale Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro per Lavoratori ed Equiparati - Corso Unitelma Sapienza (4 ore)

2021 Formazione Rischio COVID-19 – Corso Unitelma Sapienza

2019 Formazione Privacy GDPR – Corso e-learning Sapienza (188 minuti)

2016 Formazione Generale Lavoratori – Corso e-learning Sapienza (4 ore)

Academic Duties

Member (elected) of AIES Executive Council (2024-2026), Founder of the Economics of Digital Health Technology (E-DHT) iHEA Special Interest Group ( (2024-)

Commissione di Laurea (2013-), Commissione di Dottorato (2015), Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (2018-2021), Commissione Elezioni delle Rappresentanze Studentesche della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024), Commissione di Ricerca di Ateneo (2022-2023), Giunta di Dipartimento (2024-), Giunta di Facoltà (2024-)


Italian (mother tongue), English (excellent), Spanish (basic)

Computer Knowledge (in alphabetic order)

Google Workspace (advanced), Latex (advanced), MS Office applications (advanced), STATA (advanced)