
PI: Carlo Massimo Casciola

Current position Full professor in Fluid dynamics, Sapienza, University of Rome

Main appointments

Member of CNIS (Sapienza Industrial Nanotechnology Center)

Directory Board Director of the CECAM Sapienza node


Google Scholar Profile


Paolo Gualtieri (Associate Professor)

Statistical characterization of turbulent flow: intermittency and scaling, scale-by-scale budgets, isotropy recovery. Multiphase flow: dynamics of particles and bubbles in shear flows, turbulence modulation.

Francesco Battista (Associate Professor)

Turbulent combustion: premixed flame turbulence interaction, flame instability, LES modelling for the premixed flame. Two-phase flow: particle dynamics in turbulent flows, bubble dynamics. Supercritical flows: mixing at supercritical thermodynamic conditions. Hemodynamics: blood flows in artery realistic geometry. Drag reduction in wall-bounded flows.

Mirko Gallo (Post-doc)

Cavitation and bubble dynamics with the aid of diffuse interface approach. Numerical studying of Landau-Lifshitz fluctuating Navier-Stokes equations to model thermal fluctuations at the continuum level.

Dario Abbondanza (Post-doc)


Francesco Serafini

Marco Bussoletti

Matteo Bottacchiari