Fabio Bellini

Physics Department, Sapienza Università di Roma, INFN Rome

P.le Aldo Moro 5, I-00185 ROMA, Italia

Building G.Marconi CU013, 2° floor, room n° 209

Tel.: 06-49914293 (interno 2-4293)

E-mail: fabio.bellini@uniroma1.it

I am associate professor of Physics at Sapienza Università di Roma. My research focuses on the total lepton number violation throught the search of Majorana neutrinos. I'm a member of the CUORE and CUPID experiments whose goal is the discovery of the neutrinoless doube beta decay with cryogenic calorimeters. I'm actually the Rome coordinator for the INFN Astroparticle Committee. My teaching activity is mainly devoted to courses of general Physics (Mechanics, Probability and Laboratory, Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics) for the Bachelor Degree in Physics and lectures on Neutrinos and particle detectors at LNGs laboratory for the Masters' Degree in Physics I have always been interested on the applications of inferential methods to neutrino and rare events physics.