
Current Activities

Ph.D. candidate, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

I am currently a third-year Ph.D. Student in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the Intelligent Signal Processing and MultiMedia (ISPAMM) Lab dealing with Generative Deep Learning, and low-complexity models for computer vision and audio processing. My research activities focus on lightweight and efficient deep generative models by defining them in hypercomplex domains such as quaternion one and exploiting hypercomplex algebras to capture latent internal relations in multidimensional inputs such as color images and multichannel audio. Advisors: Prof. Aurelio Uncini, Prof. Danilo Comminiello.

Previous Activities

Research Scientist, Bambino Gesù Hospital, Rome, Italy.

I am part of the Innovation and Research team of the hospital, working in the EU-JAV project founded by the European Union’s Health Programme. We study the sentiment around vaccine and vaccine hesitancy in social networks.

Research Scientist, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

I was part of the ERC project Inscribe which explored the three earliest Aegean scripts in Europe. The aim was to analyze through deep learning techniques the relationship between these scripts and to apply a multi-stepped decipherment strategy.

Data Science Course Lecturer, Skienda, Roma, Italy.

I held lectures on the data science main concepts and on introduction to Python to graduate students to be hired by the company.


Master's degree in Data Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

I graduated with honors in Data Science with the thesis "Generative Adversarial Networks with flexible activation functions", supervised by Prof. Simone Scardapane and Prof. Aurelio Uncini.

Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy.

I graduated in Statistics with the thesis "Economic mobility measures in Italy: Analysis for family typology", supervised by Prof. Roberto Zelli.

Invited Talks

Simplify by hypercomplex: going beyond the real domain, Harmonai Hangs, August 2022.

Generative Deep Learning in the Quaternion Domain, IBM Research, Zurich, April 2021.

Quaternion Variational Autoencoders, Sussex University, Brighton, UK, November 2020.

Other Academic Activities

  • I am an invited reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, ICASSP2022, ICASSP 2021, Springer Cognitive Computation.

  • I am a Teaching Assistant for the master's degree course Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Sapienza University of Rome.


  • Best Manuscript Award for the nonlinear circuits and system track at ISCAS 2022.

  • Winner team for Progetti di Ricerca Grandi with the project "Social media and vaccine confidence: exploring knowledge needs, media use, and social representations of health and vaccine-related issues among Italian teens", December 2021.

  • Top 5% of the students of the Data Science Master's degree at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.


The complete list is available on the page Publications.