Economics of Technology and Management


Dear students some of you already have access to the teaching materials, however, I highlight the following message:

Students interested in attending the course (II semester A.A. 2023/2024) should send an email to to be included in the mailing list of the course.



Students are called to propose a case study characterized by elements from managerial/economic aspects favoring the development of innovative themes. The oral test will evaluate reasoning skills and the level of knowledge acquired during the course.

12/06/2024 Aula G50 - Regina Elena - edificio G - Viale Regina Elena, 295 

19/07/2024 Aula G50 - Regina Elena - edificio G - Viale Regina Elena, 295


Course objectives 

The course aims at introducing students to the key concepts of economics and management oriented toward technological aspects. Contents of the course will be focused mainly on key concepts and tools regarding Managerial Accounting and Project Management. 

Expected learning outcomes

Students will learn how to know managerial accounting through the understanding of its main aspects, concepts and tools, and its application to improve the decision-making. The development of critical thinking, oriented to analyse and understand the main managerial issues with a special focus on technological and economic side, will be one of the main findings to reach.    

Course program

Course overview

I year of Master of Science in Cybersecurity, II semester

Number of ECTS credits: 6

Language: English

Class Schedule

The course will begin regularly on February 26.

Monday: 17.00-19.00

Building RM115, Room G50

Tuesday: 16.00-19.00

Building RM062, Room Alfa

Didactic material

Prof. Idiano D'Adamo

Room A122

"Antonio Ruberti" Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering - Via Ariosto 25, Rome.


The student reception will take place in both modes including the distance mode via google meet. The procedure is simply to write me ( in order to agree on time and date of the appointment.