Francesca Campana 

Curriculum Vitae


1999 - Ph.D. in Mechanical System Design (XI ciclo), Università di Roma Tor Vergata, defending a thesis on "Numerical Optimization of Sheet Metal Forming"

1996 - Italian Qualifying Exam of Mechanical Engineeri passed

1995 - Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering  at Sapienza (110/110)

1989 -  Classical High School Diploma (55/60)


December 2017 - National Qualifying Examination as Full Professor passed (field of research: SC 09/A3)

From October 2015 - Associate Professor at DIMA, Sapienza, SSD: ing-ind/15 "Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale"

2012 - National Qualifying Examination as Associate Professor passed (field of research: SC 09/A3)

September 2011 - Assistant Professor SSD: ing-ind/15 "Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale" at DIMA,  Sapienza.

July 2007 - Teacher of "DOE techniques" and "Reverse Engineering Mmethods" for the Summer School of the Ph.D. in Mechanical Design and Machine Construction

November 2006 - Assistant Professor SSD: ing-ind/14 Progettazione Meccanica e Costruzione di Macchine at DIMA, Sapienza.

November 2005 /October 2006 - Postdoc position related to: "Development of a Reverse Engineering tool for damage assessment of pipelines", DIMA, Sapienza

From 2001 to 2005 - Research contract for studying:" Structural optimization for sheet metl design components", at DIMA, Sapienza 

From 2000 to 2001 - Research contract within a BRITE programme research and an italian contract on sheet metal design optimization, DIMA, Sapienza


Author of more than 100 papers on journals and internaztional conference proceedings, 40 indexed in Scopus.


Member of the ADM - Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale 

Member of CISTeC, Centro Interdipartimentale di Scienza e Tecnica per la Conservazione del Patrimonio Storico-Architettonico della Sapienza

Member of the  Ph.D. Board in Industrial and Management Engineering, Sapienza