Dario Coletti

Dept. AHFMO - Section of Histology, Sapienza University of Rome

Via Scarpa n°16, 00161 Rome

Histology Bldg, room n° 29B

Tel.: + 39 06 4976756  (extension: 2-6756)

Tel. lab + 39 06 4976756

Fax: + 39 06 4462854

E-mail: dario.coletti@uniroma1.it

skipe: dario.coletti

Welcome to my personal web pages at Sapienza UNiversity

WHO: Dario Coletti, Associate professor of Histology at Sapienza University

WHERE: Histology building RM008 (room 29 B), Via Scarpa 16, Rome

WHEN: from 2014 (fulltime, from 2021)

WHAT: I teach Histology and Medical Embryology and do research on skeletal muscle homeostasis, regeneration and tissue engineering

WHY: Doing research is always better than working

For further institutional information browse the page menu (also available in Italian). For informal communications and technical or specialistic issues related to my work, feel free to visit my blog (http://dariocolettithescientist.blogspot.fr; alternatively, you can easily retreive it with a "Coletti muscle" Google search).