Computational Mechanics

International double-degree program

La Sapienza - Sorbonne

MSc Double Degree in Mechanical Engineering Science pour L'ingegnieur - Curriculum / Specialitè: Computational Mechanics

CFU / Semester 1 (in Rome)

6 Geometria Differenziale

6 Engineering Trobology

6 Variational Methods in computational mechanics

9 Turbulence and Combustion

9 Additive Manufacturing

CFU / Semester 2 (in Paris with Sorbonne students)

9 Fluid-structure Interaction

6 Advanced Methods in Mechanical Design

9 Measurement for mechanical systems and industry

6 Mechanics of Vibrations

CFU / Semester 3 (in Paris with Sorbonne students)

6 Plasticity, Viscoelasticity, and Thermodynamics of Solids

6 Nonlinear Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics

3 Uncertainty quantification

3 Dynamics and Turbulence

3 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics

3 Aeroelasticity

CFU / Semester 4 (Rome or Paris)

6 Free choice (Slender structures/Meccanica delle strutture suggested)

6 Free choice

18 Thesis

Sorbonne UniversitéCampus Pierre et Marie Curie

Funded by

University Franco-Italienne

Scholarships available

700-1000 euro/month

Double-degree (120 credits)

  • La Sapienza degree:

Laurea Magistrale Ing. Meccanica

  • Sorbonne degree:

Master en Mécanique

Spécialité Computational Mechanics


Numerical simulation of thermal shock cracksBourdin et al. PRL 2014