
In this work, we propose a solution integrating a cutting-edge model inspired by category theory: Sheaf4Rec. Our approach takes advantage from sheaf theory and results in a more comprehensive representation that can be effectively exploited during inference. Our proposed model exhibits a noteworthy relative improvement of up to 8.53% on F1-Score@10 and an impressive increase of up to 11.29% on NDCG@10, outperforming existing state-of-the-art models such as NGCF, KGTORe and other recently developed GNN-based models. Sheaf4Rec shows remarkable improvements in terms of efficiency: we observe substantial runtime improvements ranging from 2.5% up to 37% when compared to other GNN-based competitor models.

All the code is written in Python and is based on Pytorch, Pytorch Geometric and the use of Wandb for logging purposes.

This is our approach to the task of identification of persuasion techniques in text, which is a subtask of the SemEval-2023 Task 3 on the multilingual detection of genre, framing, and persuasion techniques in online news. The subtask is multi-label at the paragraph level and the inventory considered by the organizers covers 23 persuasion techniques.Β 

Our solution is based on an ensemble of a variety of pre-trained language models fine-tuned on the propaganda dataset.Β 

The official evaluation shows our solution ranks 1st in English and attains high scores in all the other languages, i.e. French, German, Italian, Polish, and Russian.Β 

Master Works

The aim of this project is to develop a safe navigation framework for the TIAGo robot moving in a human crowd. Our approach is based on the paper of Vulcano et al., where a sensor-based scheme is presented. This scheme consists of two modules, the Crowd Prediction and Motion Generation modules, which run sequentially during every sampling interval. Our setup is implemented in Python using ROS and to validate our implementation multiple experiments are performed on Gazebo in scenarios of different complexity.

Data augmentation techniques are used to increase the size and variability of training data for learning visual tasks. These techniques are well-known in computer vision and include rotation, cropping, scaling and other transformations to increase the size of a dataset.Β  However, no one has addressed modeling variations in the sensor domain. This paper proposes an automatic, physically-based, and straightforward augmentation pipeline to simulate, on real images, multiple effects which arise from non-ideal optics, such as spherical aberration, defocus, astigmatism, and coma. The introduction of these effects on a real dataset can improve the ability to perform multiple computer vision tasks on it. We validate this assumption on two popular computer vision tasks: object detection and semantic segmentation introducing sensor effects into the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset. In the end, we show that these techniques can improve the performance of our models on the detection task while reaching very similar results on segmentation.