Andrea Messina

Physics Department, Sapienza Università di Roma

P.le Aldo Moro 5, I-00185 ROME, Italy 

Building G. Marconi CU013, 2 floor, room 202d

Tel.: +39 06 49914348


Andrea Messina is an associate professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Rome Sapienza. He works in the field of direct dark matter research and high-energy physics, with a particular interest in the construction and operation of particle detectors and data analysis. Currently, he is involved in the Cygno and Darkside experiments, after collaborating on the ATLAS and CDF experiments. He has contributed to the development of the trigger system for several experiments, including ATLAS. His research includes the study of W and Z boson production in hadronic colliders, the search for the Higgs boson, the proton-proton inelastic cross-section, and the search for dark matter both at the LHC and at direct research experiments. His teaching activity is oriented at basic physics courses, including Mechanics and Mechanics Laboratory for the Bachelor's Degree in Physics and Probability and Measurement Uncertainty for the PhD course in Physics.