Shaso Hemin Mejeed

Asst. Lecturer


He is a dedicated lecturer at Qaiwan International University within the esteemed Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. With an extensive career spanning over a decade in the humanitarian sector all over Iraq, he has garnered invaluable expertise across all phases of crisis management, starting with an assistant position and reaching the position of area manager \ center and south of Iraq. 

Their commitment to humanitarian efforts is evidenced by their collaboration with renowned international NGOs such as the International Rescue Committee, Handicap International, Human Appeal UK, and Five One Labs. 

Throughout his career, he has been at the forefront of providing vital humanitarian aid to individuals affected by the ISIS crisis. They have operated in some of Iraq's most challenging and hazardous regions, including Ninevah (in difficult-to-reach areas), Salahuddin, Hawija Beji, Kerkuk, and Anbar. His contributions have been instrumental in the protection, livelihood, and entrepreneurship sectors, where their dedication and expertise have positively impacted countless lives. 

As a lecturer, Shaso Hemin brings a wealth of real-world experience and knowledge to his role, enriching the academic environment at Qaiwan International University. Their passion for human resource development and commitment to nurturing the next generation of humanitarian leaders make them an invaluable asset to the university community.

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