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 Positions after Post graduate Qualification:

 1Assistant-Lecturer :  since 1-7- 2003

  2-   Head of Higher Education (Registrar) of the college: / since/ 1/9 /2003  till 2004

  3-  As a Teaching Staff of the Oral Diagnosis Dep. of the College ,since:  2003

  4-  Vice Dean  since 6 / 3 / 2004

  5 -  Vice Chairman of the Scientific Committee / College of Dentistry.: since   29/11/2007    

  6-  Lecturer : since 5-9-2007 ( Univ.Sul. No.7/10/2141 / date 17-2-2008 )

  7- Supervisor of Basic Science Dep. since (11-10-2010),for three years 

  8-  Assistant-Professor: since :-6-2011( Univ.Sul.No.7/10/17677 /date 31-12-2012 )

  9-  As a member of the Board of Kurdistan Academics Journal   KAJ- A      Since :  8-6-2014

 10-  Member  of the College in Ethical Committee of  Medical  Sciences , since: 23—11-2014