
(2023 - Present) Qaiwan International University (QIU)

  • Director of Quality Assurance & Scientific Affairs

(2019 - 2023) Qaiwan International University (QIU)

  • Director of Administration & Registration

(2019 - Present) Qaiwan International University (QIU)

  • Lecturer

(2015 -2019) Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU)

  • Head of Information Technology / Technical College of Informatics (TCI)

(2015 -Present) Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU)

  • Lecturer / Information Technology Department / Technical College of Informatics (TCI)

(2015 -2018) Kurdistan Technical Institute (KTI)

  • Visitor Lecturer

(2014 -2015) University of Human development (UHD)

  • IT Department Coordinator / College of Science & Technology
  • Lecturer
  • Responsible of Student Affairs

(2009 -2011) University of Human development (UHD)

  • Laboratory Assistant / College of Science & Technology
  • Laboratories Coordinator

(2005 -2009) 24 Online Company (Baghdad)

  • IT Support Team Leader
  • Show Room Manager

(2009 -2015) Sign 4U Company (UK & Suli.)

  • IT Manager