F-IDE 2022

7th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment

Affiliated to SEFM 2022

26 September, 2022 (in-person-only event)

Accepted papers

  • Ivette: a Modern GUI for Frama-C . Loïc Correnson.

  • Building an Extensible Textual Framework for the Rodin Platform. Thai Son Hoang, Colin Snook, Dana Dghaym, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi and Michael Butler.

  • Debugging Support in Atelier B. Léa Riant.

  • VarCorC: Developing Object-Oriented Software Product Lines Using Correctness-by-Construction. Tabea Bordis, Maximilian Kodetzki, Tobias Runge and Ina Schaefer.

  • A Case Study in Formal Analysis of System Requirements. Franco Mazzanti and Dimitri Belli.

  • The TLA+ Debugger. Markus Kuppe.

  • Developing the UML-B modelling tools. Colin Snook, Michael Butler, Thai Son Hoang, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi and Dana Dghaym.

9:00-09:10 Opening
09:10-10:10 Keynote: Alessandro Cimatti. A formal IDE for railways applications
10:10-10.40 Break
Session 1 (Chair Franco Mazzanti)

10:40-11:20 Ivette: a Modern GUI for Frama-C (
11:20-12:00 Building an Extensible Textual Framework for the Rodin Platform (
12.00-13:00 Lunch
Session 2 (Chair
Colin Snook)
13:00-13:30 Debugging Support in Atelier B (
13:30-14:00 VarCorC: Developing Object-Oriented Software Product Lines Using Correctness-by-Construction (
14:00-14.30 A Case Study in Formal Analysis of System Requirements (

14:30-15.00 Break
Session 3 (Chair Alessandro Cimatti)
15:00-15:30 The TLA+ Debugger (
15:30-16:00 Developing the UML-B modelling tools (

16:00 Closing

Presentation durations: regular paper 40 minutes (30 Talk + 10 Q&A), short paper 30 minutes (20 Talk + 10 Q&A),

All times are local time: Central European Summer time (CEST)


High levels of safety, security and also privacy standards require the use of formal methods to specify and develop compliant software (sub)systems. Any standard comes with an assessment process, which requires a complete documentation of the application to ease the justification of design choices and the review of code and proofs.

Ideally, an F-IDE dedicated to such developments should comply with several requirements. The first one is to associate a logical theory with a programming language, in a way that facilitates the tightly coupled handling of specification properties and program constructs. The second is to offer a language/environment simple enough to be usable by most developers, even if they are not fully acquainted with higher-order logics or set theory, in particular by making development of proofs as easy as possible. The third is to offer automated management of application documentation. It may also be expected that developments done with such an F-IDE are reusable and modular. Tools for testing and static analysis may be embedded within F-IDEs to support the assessment process.


The workshop is open to contributions on all aspects of a system development process, including specification, design, implementation, analysis and documentation. It welcomes the presentation of tools, methods, techniques and experiments. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • F-IDE building: design and integration of languages, development of user-friendly front-ends

  • How to make high-level logical and programming concepts palatable to industrial developers

  • Integration of Object-Oriented and modularity features

  • Integration of static analyzers

  • Integration of automatic proof tools, theorem provers and testing tools

  • Documentation tools

  • Impact of tools on certification

  • Experience reports on developing F-IDEs

  • Experience reports on using F-IDEs

  • Experience reports on formal methods-based assessments in industrial applications

Keynote: Alessandro Cimatti, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

A formal IDE for railways applications

Abstract: Many railways interlocking systems are still based on electromechanical solutions. They are hard to understand and costly to modify, and can be considered legacy systems. In this talk I will present the research underlying the development of a IDE for the Italian Railways Network. The proposed methodology is able on one side to analyze and reverse-engineer legacy relay-based interlocking systems, and on the other to support the specification and verification of interlocking procedures by means of a model-based methodology.

Speaker's Biography: Alessandro Cimatti is the director of Fondazione Bruno Kessler's Digital Industry Center. A researcher since 1990 with ITC-Irst, from 2006 to 2020 he has been the head of the ICT Center's Embedded Systems (ES) research unit at FBK. Author of 220 papers in the fields of formal methods and artificial intelligence, for his fundamental works on Bounded Model Checking and on Satisfiability Modulo Theories, Cimatti has received the TACAS 2014 Most Influential Paper award, the ETAPS 2017 Test of Time award and the CAV Award in 2018 and 2021. He has been the leader of several technology transfer projects, including research projects funded by the European Union, the European Space Agency and the European Railway Agency, as well as of industrial collaborations with RFI, SAIPEM and Boeing.

Submission guidelines

We accept both long (15 pages) and short (6 pages) paper submissions, LNCS format. The page limit does not include the bibliography. Submitted papers must present original contributions whose main results and conclusions have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. All speakers will be required to register and give a talk in person. Talks will be streamed online.

Authors are invited to submit the following types of contributions:

  • Research papers providing new concepts and results

  • Experience reports

  • Position papers and research perspectives

  • Tool presentations

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at F-IDE 2022's workshop page:: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fide2022

Preliminary proceedings will be made available in electronic form at the workshop. Post-proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission (optional): Sunday 24 July 2022

  • Paper submission: Sunday 31 July 2022 - Sunday 14 August 2022

  • Notification: Tuesday 23 August 2022 - Friday 2 Sept 2022

  • Camera-ready version: Tuesday 13 Sept 2022 - Wednesday 14 Sept 2022

  • Workshop date: Monday 26 Sept 2022

Program committee

  • Aaron Dutle, NASA LaRC, USA

  • Andrea Domenici, University of Pisa, Italy

  • Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

  • Carlo A. Furia, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland

  • Enrico Tassi, INRIA, France

  • Franco Mazzanti, ISTI/CNR, Italy

  • François Pessaux, ENSTA ParisTech, France

  • José Proença, CISTER/ISEP, Portugal

  • Laurent Voisin, Systerel, France

  • Makarius Wenzel, sketis.net, Germany

  • Marco Feliu, NIA/NASA LaRC, USA

  • Markus A. Kuppe, Microsoft Research, USA

  • Mattias Ulbrich, arlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, Ireland

  • Simão Melo de Sousa, University of Beira Interior, Portugal

  • Stefan Mitsch, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

  • Stephan Merz, Inria Nancy, France

  • Virgile Prevosto, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, List, France

  • Yannick Moy, AdaCore, France

  • Yi Zhang, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

PC chairs

  • Cinzia Bernardeschi, DII, University of Pisa, Italy

  • Son Hoang, ECS, University of Southampton, UK

Steering committee

  • Catherine Dubois, Samovar/ENSIIE, Paris, France

  • Paolo Masci, US National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), USA

  • Dominique Méry, LORIA / Université de Lorraine, France

Previous editions

  • F-IDE 2021 (co-located with NASA Formal Methods 2021, virtual event)

  • F-IDE 2019 (co-located with FM2019 Porto, Portugal)

  • F-IDE 2018 (co-located with FM2018 Oxford, UK)

  • F-IDE 2016 (co-located with FM2016 Limassol, Cyprus)

  • F-IDE 2015 (co-located with FM2015, Oslo, Norway)

  • F-IDE 2014 (co-located with ETAPS 2014, Grenoble, France)
