
In this page you can find all our implemented prototypes, with the corresponding public source code and the publications in which they are presented. Please, feel free to contact us if you need further information.

An implementation of security features described in RPL RFC (6550) for Contiki OS.

Repository link here.

If you need to reference the Secure RPL implementation in a paper, please use:

SniPlayer - A wormhole implementation in ContikiOS

The SniPlayer code is a combination of the capability of a sniffer and a replayer.

It turns a sensor into a Sniplayer. The sniffer functionality makes it capable of send, using the serial port, each frame received from the mote. The replayer functionality makes it capable of replay all the frames coming from the serial port where the mote is connected.

Repository link here.

If you need to reference the Wormhole implementation in a paper, please use:

Bruschetta: An IoT Blockchain-Based Framework for Certifying EVO Oil Supply Chain

BRUSCHETTA is a blockchain-based application for the traceability and the certification of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO).

BRUSCHETTA provides a blockchain-based system (based on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain) to enforce the certification of this product by tracing the entire process of production: from the plantation to the shops.

Its goal is to enable a final user (the one that buys the product) to access a tamper-proof copy of the entire history of the product, that is the farming process, harvesting, production, packaging, conservation, and transportation, for example through its own smartphone.

Repository link here.

If you need to reference the Bruschetta implementation in a paper, please use:

Attribute-Based Encryption porting for ESP32

Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a new type of public-key encryption that enforces a fine-grained access control on encrypted data based on flexible access policies.

In particular, we implemented on ESP32, a low-cost popular platform to deploy IoT devices, three notable ABE schemes, namely Goyal-Pandey-Sahai-Waters scheme, Bethencourt-Sahai-Waters scheme and Yao-Chen-Tian scheme.

Repository link here.

If you need to reference the Bruschetta implementation in a paper, please use: