Call for papers

We welcome submissions of original papers OR extended abstracts of existing or ongoing work on topics related to migration research using big data.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Understanding migration flows using big data sources. This may include nowcasting flows using social media or mobile phone data, visualisation and analysis of flows using big data, prediction of flows based on big data, analysis of flows within very specific domains, e.g. scientific migration, labour migration, seasonal migration.

  • Estimating migration stocks using big data. This topic may include nowcasting immigration rates based on social media and other big data types, visualising such data, validating indices.

  • Understanding push and pull factors in different types of migration, which can include analysis of the brain drain phenomenon, economic migration, data on refugees, sentiment analysis, etc.

  • Studying the connection between policy changes and migration using big data analytics.

  • Evaluating socio-economic and cultural integration of migrants with big data. This can include analysis of different integration measures extracted from various types of data.

  • Integrating big data models and traditional data sources for migration.

  • Ethics of big data in the context of human migration.

The papers and extended abstracts will be selected through single blind review.

Selected works will be invited for publication in a Special Issue of a highly ranked Scientific Journal to be announced before the workshop.

Paper /extended abstract submission through EasyChair:

The papers should be maximum 15 pages long in the Springer LNCS format, not including references.

The extended abstracts should be maximum 2 pages long in the Springer LNCS format, not including references.

Submission deadlines (AOE):

Abstract registration: 31 July 2020

Full paper / extended abstract submission: 7 August 2020

Notification of acceptance: 1 September 2020