
All lessons, content, and materials are geared towards supporting students to achieve California's Common Core State Standards.

English Language Arts

Every day students will engage in reading and writing. These lessons are guided by the philosophies of: Lucy Calkin's Writer's Workshop, Guided Reading, Notice and Note, teaching practices known as EduProtocols, and various reading and writing strategies by Jennifer Serravallo.

The novels that we will read this school year are

Social Studies

This year we will be studying California history through our new curriculum TCI. Students will explore California's history through various lessons and activities.


Union School District recently adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). To read more details about NGSS, please read this parent guide. Our science units include:

Mystery Science, Generation Genius, and other supplemental material will be used to meet the NGSS standards.

Extracurricular Activities

Students will engage in various activities that are not core curriculum focused including: