Extension Programs

Dash Robot Club

Lunch-time Activities

Students in all grades have an opportunity to participate in lunch-time activities. These are available through invitation coordinated by the student's teacher. Currently being offered are:

  • grades 3, 4 and 5: MInecraft Monday
  • grades 1 and 2: Tuesday Crafts

The Minion Crew

Fourth and fifth grade students have an opportunity to build leadership skills and become a recognized campus helper through the Minion Crew. Students train to work with younger students during lunchtime clubs and assist with the Kindergarten noon-time in the Makerspace. Students also volunteer to assist with stations during the annual STEAM Night.

During "all call" meetings students may learn to use a Makerspace tool (eg. green screen) or help in keeping the Makerspace up and running.

The CS-First program has ended for this school year. Look for a new CS-First program in the Fall.

CS-First Music and Sound

Fourth and fifth grade students learn how to code in Scratch using the coding curriculum developed by Google. In Music & Sound, students use the computer to play musical notes, create a music video, and build an interactive music display while learning how programming is used to create music over eight weeks.

CS-First Art

Third, fourth and fifth grade students used Scratch coding in a curriculum developed by Google. In Art, students create animations, interactive artwork, photograph filters, and other exciting, artistic projects.