Black History Month Project

Welcome to the library! You will find all aspects of your Black History Project on this page.

Library Rules:

I know you are excited to be in the library....however

Please raise your hand if you have a question!

Respect each other!

Day One:  I can evaluate web/book resources to find valid information about the person you are researching.

Day Two: I can construct a web project using Google Slides that highlights the significance and importance of the person that you are researching. 

Day Three: I can locate a photo to be used on the cover of the magazine 

Day Four: I can create a magazine cover depicting the selected person that I researched using Canva. 

Day Five: I can judge and defend my project to my fellow classmates after printing my project.

Día uno: Puedo evaluar recursos web/libros para encontrar información válida sobre la persona que está investigando.

Día dos: puedo construir un proyecto web usando Google Slides que destaque el significado y la importancia de la persona que estás investigando.

Día tres: puedo ubicar una foto para usarla en la portada de la revista

Día cuatro: puedo crear una portada de revista que represente a la persona seleccionada que investigué usando Canva.

Día cinco: Puedo juzgar y defender mi proyecto ante mis compañeros de clase después de imprimirlo.

Day One: 

Do Now:

Open up the Black History Month Padlet. The password is thms.  

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

Period 8

Period 9

After watching a video about Carter G. Woodson, add one sentence to the Padlet detailing why we celebrate Black History Month. Like one comment. Make sure to include your name on your post. 

Your assignment is to create a magazine. You will design a cover and create articles inside your magazine.

You must answer in  7-10 sentences using your own words--

Desarrolle una biografía sobre usted detallando los antecedentes de su persona seleccionada. ¿Qué es una biografía? 

    Compilar y enumerar sus contribuciones significativas a la sociedad. Responda la pregunta en forma de viñetas.

Defiende por qué son dignos de ser estudiados como héroes en base a tu respuesta a la pregunta número dos. 

    Evalúe una cita que haya dicho la persona seleccionada. ¿Por qué es importante?

Student work:  After signing into Clever, select Library Databases from the left hand menu.

You will be using Britanica and FactCite(thms/thms) to find information about your selected person.

You will complete a note taking worksheet in your own words today.

Slides Presentation Please make a COPY!!  

Answer the question on each slide and add a picture to support your claim!

Day Two: I can construct a web project using Google Slides that highlights the significance and importance of the person that you are researching. 

Do Now: Turn to your partner and give one detail about the person you are researching. Share!!

Day Three: I can create a magazine cover depicting the selected person that I researched using Canva. 

You can access Canva through Clever.

Cover Requirements: