
Mason Stahl is the James M. Kenney Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at Union College.  I received my B.S. in Mathematics and Quantitative Economics from Tufts University and my Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from MIT.  Prior to coming to Union, I worked for several years as an environmental engineer in Cambridge, MA.

Contact information

Mason StahlDepartment of GeologyUnion College807 Union StreetSchenectady, NY 12308
Office: Olin 102APhone: 518-388-6942Email:

Devin Snyder ('24) installing a field camera at our field site in Cambodia.

Devin Snyder ('24) collecting rice samples as part of a study on arsenic uptake in rice.

Christine Swanson ('23) presenting her research at the Catskills Environmental Research & Monitoring (CERM) conference.

Jacob Abbot ('23) collecting water samples in South Dakota as part of our work studying As and U in waters of the US Northern Plains.

Jaclyn Gehring ('20) and Jack Wassik ('19) presenting their research at Union College homecoming weekend

Connor Horan ('19) and Jack Wassik ('19) presenting their senior thesis research at the American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington DC.

Past thesis students