Program of Workshop

18th July 2023,

9:00-16:30 (UTC+1), Rome, Italy

9:00-9:20 Serhii Sharyn Algebras of polynomial distributions and their applications

9:20-9:40 Domenico Mezzanotte A projection method for Fredholm integral equations over equispaced nodes

9:40-10:00 Olga Hrybel Generalized orders of the growth for Dirichlet series absolutely convergent in a half-plane

10:00-10:20 Andrii Shidlich Some Problems and Directions of Modern Approximation Theory

10:20-10:40 Maryam Mohammadi Interpolants in the limit of  some radial basis functions

10:40-11:00 Aleksandr Murach On interpolation  -  Lp -Sobolev spaces of generalized smoothness and their applications to elliptic operators

11:00-11:20 Volodymyr Borsch On Non-Variational Solution of the Intial-Boundary Value Problem for Linear Strongly Degenerate 1-D Hyperbolic Equation

11:20-11:40 Daryna Dolishniak Dynamic of a nonlinear backward shift on a semiring of multisets

11:40-12:10 COFFEE BREAK

12:10-12:30 Oleh Kovalenko Landau-Kolmogorov-Nagy type inequalities and some applications

12:30-12:50 Praveen Agarwal Elzaki Transform of Pathway Fractional Integrals Involving Extended Hypergeometric Functions in the Kernel

 12:50-13:10 Tamara Antonova On the representation of the ratios of some multiple hypergeometric functions by branched continued fractions

13:10-13:30 William Ramirez On polynomial matrices of Pascal type

13:30-13:50 Nataliia Vytvytska Polynomial Fourier Transformation of Tempered Distributions and Its Properties

13:50-14:50 LUNCH

14:50-15:10 Iryna Bilanyk Two-Dimensional Branched Continued Fractions with Independent Variables as an Efficient Tool for the Approximation of the Analytic Function of Two Complex Variables
15:10-15:30 Anna Lucia Laguardia Numerical methods for 2D linear Fredholm integral equations on different domains of the plane
15:30-15:50 Valeria Sagaria Approximation of the solution of integral equations having hypersingular and highly oscillating kernels.
15:50-16:10 Andriana Radul Tensor products of affine spaces