
Biflavonoids role in plants: Ginkgo biloba L. as a model system

Project is founded by Croatian Science Foundation (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost) under the number UIP-2019-04-1018

Duration: 15.06.2021.-14.06.2026.

Total amount: 2 000 000, 00 HRK (265 604,25 EUR)

Abstract: The plant kingdom produces an overwhelming array of structurally diverse specialized metabolites. One of the less studied group of specialized metabolites are flavonoid dimers known as a biflavonoids, consist of two identical or non-identical flavonoid units. They show superior bioactivity than their monomeric subunits and are considered to be potential drugs in the pharmaceutical industry and potential antioxidant and antimicrobial agent in the food industry. But, it remains unclear why some plant species produce dimeric structures of flavonoids, under which condition, and what is the role of biflavonoids in plant growth and development.  After doctoral study, postdoctoral training and 3 years of international research experience, within the project, the main applicant plan to establish research group focus on evaluation of biflavonoid role in plants using Ginko biloba L. as a model system. As a part of the project we will gain knowledge about structure-biological activity relation of biflavonoids present in G. biloba., about the role of biflavonoids in G. biloba leaves senescence and about biflavonoid biosynthetic pathway(s) using in vitro culture. In a research we will use modern techniques of plant metabolomic (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) and transcriptomic (NGS). Understanding of biflavonoids role in plants contributes to the overall knowledge about plant-environment interactions and processes that regulate growth, development and adaptation of tolerant species to ever-changing environment.

Project team:

Assist. Prof. Dunja Šamec, PhD

Project leader

University North, Koprivnica, Croatia

Assoc. Prof. Bojan Šarkanj, PhD

Team member

University North, Koprivnica, Croatia

Prof. Erna Karalija, PhD

Team member

University of Sarajevo, Sarajevio, B&H

Iva Jurčević, MSc

PhD student

University North,

Koprivnica, Croatia