Milan Time Series Seminars

The goal of the Milan Time Series Seminars (MiTSS) is to bring together researchers with common interests in time series econometrics. The seminar provides a forum for researchers to present their work to a broad academic and professional audience.

Each seminar lasts for 60 minutes, followed by an informal discussion, and will be delivered at

Scientific Committee:

Andrea Bastianin (University of Milan-Statale and FEEM)

Chiara Casoli (FEEM)

Fabrizio Iacone (University of Milan-Statale)

Matteo Manera (University of Milan-Bicocca and FEEM)

Massimiliano Marcellino (Bocconi University)

Riccardo Masolo (Catholic University of Milan)

Andrea Monticini (Catholic University of Milan)

Matteo Pelagatti (University of Milan-Bicocca)

Luca Rossini (University of Milan-Statale)

Daniele Siena (Politecnico di Milano)

Upcoming seminars for the Academic Year 2023/24:

 15 May 2024 at 12:00:

Speaker: Matteo Ciccarelli (European Central Bank)

Title: The macroeconomic effects of climate change and the green transition

Abstract: Modelling interaction between climate change, the green transition and the macroeconomy requires empirically validated assumptions. The presentation will focus on a few questions of relevance from the perspective of central banks and on the importance to understand the business cycle effects of climate-related shocks and risks. Based on recent empirical and modelling work on the topic and through the lens of standard economic concepts and models, the presentation will shed light on the demand and supply channels of climate-related shocks, on the importance of appropriately choosing the variables and proxies to ‘identify’ the shocks and account for the transmission channels in empirical analysis, and on the asymmetric and heterogeneous effects of weather shocks and climate policies across countries. The presentation will conclude with implications for modellers and policy makers.

Location: FEEM, Corso Magenta 63

 June 2024 at 12:15:

Speaker: Filippo Ferroni (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)

Title: TBD

Location: Politecnico of Milan