JADE @ Bicocca 2018
JADE - Joint Algebraic & Differential Encounters
The aim of the workshop is to bring together both young and experienced mathematicians, whose research interests cover different and exciting aspects of geometry.
- Amedeo Altavilla - Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
- Christian Gleissner - Universität Bayreuth
- Riccardo Moschetti - University of Stavanger
About the workshop
About the workshop
The workshop will take place on June 18th and is supported by the Grant FA 2014 'Geometria reale e complessa'.
The seminars will be held in room 3014 of the Department of Mathematics and Applications, which is in the building 'U5' of the University.
Organizing committee
Organizing committee
Filippo F. Favale - filippo.favale(AT)unimib.it
Federico A. Rossi - federico.rossi(AT)unimib.it