Hack the UX of NEANIAS

Hack the Services-Website UX

Category: UX, ergonomics, usability, web design

The challenge is about the analysis of the NEANIAS project website and provided services. NEANIAS is focused on a population of quite particular users, i.e. (master’s or PhD) students, scientists, and potentially business oriented users. Nonetheless, usability, accessibility, and ergonomics are important concepts, even if the provided services and information is not of diffused interest in the wide public, especially since the project is funded by public resources. Your task is to select a specific website or service provided by the project, perform an analysis of the website, according to some methodology you should briefly introduce, propose the results of the analysis, and produce a redesign proposal, potentially employing mockup production tools.


  1. Visit the NEANIAS project website and focus on the aims and provided services

  1. Visit and explore the NEANIAS Catalogue

  1. Create a plausible set of personas for NEANIAS project potential users

  1. Select a website and/or a specific service (including social media channels)

  1. Analyze the website/service according to some usability/ergonomics/UX/ communication methodology and produce a report, including redesign recommendations

  1. (optional) produce a mockup of the redesigned website/service


Recommended Tools

  • If you want, Figma provides design and prototyping tools free to use in Educational Plans