I authored more than 120 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, books, and conference proceedings. I was a member of the program committee or the organizing committee of international conferences and workshops. Currently, I am a member of the Steering Committee of the “International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION)” and of the Editorial Board of the open-access journal Computers (ISSN 2073-431X). I have contributed to several research projects funded by the EU (projects AGILE, MIKADO, SENSORIA, ASCENS), the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) (projects NAPOLI, SALADIN, TOSCA, DISCO, CINA), the National Research Council (CNR, project SP4), and Microsoft Research (project NAPI). I led the Firenze research unit involved in the EU-funded project ASCENS (Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles). Recently, I have coordinated the project “Assessment cybersecurity readiness”, funded by Regione Toscana. I was the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Informatica e Applicazioni at the University of Florence. I am a member of the Board of Study of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science administered by the University of Pisa in cooperation with the University of Firenze and the University of Siena. I am currently the chair of the Council of study courses in Computer Science at the University of Florence. From 2002 to 2005, I was the Coordinator of two formative projects “Moduli Professionalizzanti nelle nuove Lauree Universitarie”, entitled 'Operatore Informatico per l'Azienda' (OIPA), funded by Regione Toscana through the Fondo Sociale Europeo. At the University of Florence, for the three-year, five-year (old system), specialist, and master's degree courses in Computer Science, I held or hold the following courses: Security Engineering (in English), Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and Computer Networks, Distributed and Concurrent Systems, Network Programming, Languages and Models for Mobile Systems, Models of Sequential and Concurrent Systems, Formal methods: concurrency semantics, Programming Lab, Operating Systems Lab, and System Programming Lab. For Ph.D. programs in Computer Science at the University of Florence, I held the following courses: Introduction to Process Calculi and Related Type Systems (in collaboration with Ilaria Castellani), Languages and Models for Mobile Systems, and Concurrency Semantics, the last two ones in several academic years.