Spectroscopic Studies of Magnetic Nanomaterials

Research Group

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence (Italy) 

Our research focuses on the spectroscopic characterization of nanomaterials. Thanks to their reduced dimensions nanomaterials may possess peculiar and interesting properties, that are not found in the bulk phase. We principally concentrate on magnetic nanomaterials. These objects are promising for several applications in different fields as quantum computing, spintronics, and sensors. For their detailed characterization we employ two different and complementary techniques: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Mössbauer spectroscopies.


Reseach Topics and Publications


Bachelor and master theses in Physics are available

PhD position available (deadline: 13/06/2024)

The title of the thematic grant is "Spin-electric effects in molecular magnetic materials of interest for quantum technologies".  In particular, EPR spectroscopy under an electric field will be applied to investigate  spin-electric effects in molecular magnetic materials.

The deadline for submitting the application is June 13th.

Here is the link to the pdf of the announcement:
