

  • All the submissions will be subjected to single-blind review process.

  • Submitted papers should not have been published, accepted or under review elsewhere.

  • The submissions can be up to 12-15 pages for full papers or 6-8 pages for short papers ( Including references, Springer Template ).

  • All the papers must be submitted using the template you can find at this link:

  • All the papers should be submitted using the CMT at this link

  • Accepted submissions will be presented either as oral or posters., and published in the ICPR 2020 Workshops volume, edited by Springer.


The deadline for submitting the camera-ready material is November 20th. Authors need to upload the following:

  • The pdf file of the camera-ready. Please make sure to address the reviewers' comments when preparing it.

  • A .zip file with the source latex/word files. Please make sure to include all the necessary files (figures, style files, bib files etc.).

  • Consent-to-publish form signed (no digital signatures are accepted) by the corresponding author. The consent to publish form can be downloaded here.

More detailed information are provided here. Please look carefully the "Information and task for authors" section.

Each accepted paper should have associated a regular full pass fee. See instructions in the following: