Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes

Dr. Francesco Fontanella

Associate professor

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

Department of Electric and Information Engineering (DIEI) "Maurizio Scarano"

AIDA | lab

Address: Via G. Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino (FR) -- ITALY 

Email: fontanella AT unicas DOT it

Telephone: +39 0776 2993382

Profiles: Google Scholar, DPLB, linkedIn, Scopus, ORCID, ResearchGate

My personal profile on the University of Cassino website is available here

Research interests

My main research interests relate to the investigation and implementation of new techniques in the fields of evolutionary computation and machine learning. Specifically, I use evolutionary computation based techniques to  solve problems in many fields, including feature selection, Bayesan networks, pattern recognition,  and ensemble methods.  In machine learning, my research is focused on the development of applications to deal with real-life problems. These problems include detection and prediction of neurodegenerative diseases trhough handwriting analysis, writer identification in ancient manuscripts, and water pollution detection. 

For more details about my reasearch acttivities visit  my Google Scholar profile

Research Activities

Editorial activities

Research projects


I have taught many courses on computer science at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio since 2006. Currently, I teach the following courses (in Italian):