Eder de Moraes Correa 

University of Campinas - Unicamp 
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing - IMECC 

Address: Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 651   Barão Geraldo - Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil.   Postal Code: 13083-859 

Office: 340


I am currently an assistant professor (MS3.1) at IMECC/UNICAMP. My main research interest is in Differential Geometry, with focus on the following themes: Parabolic Cartan Geometry (Complex flag manifolds), Hamiltonian Systems and Quantization (Kirillov's orbit method), Fiber bundles and Connections (Kaluza-Klein Theory, G-structures, Gauge Theory, and Yang-Mills Theory).

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 GeoTop: geotop.ime.unicamp.br 

Publications & Preprints


1.  CORREA, EDER M.; From complex contact structures to real almost contact 3-structures, ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY,  Vol.  65,  Article 6, 2024. 

2CORREA, EDER M.; Kähler-Ricci flow on rational homogeneous varieties,  JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, Vol. 629, p. 38-75, 2023.

3.  CORREA, EDER M.; Levi-Civita Ricci-Flat metrics on non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds. THE JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS, v. 33, p. 90-120, 2023. 

4.  CORREA, EDER M.; GRAMA, LINO; Lax formalism for Gelfand-Tsetlin integrable systems. BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES, v. 170, p. 102999, 2021. 

5.  CORREA, EDER M.; GRAMA, LINO; Calabi-Yau metrics on canonical bundles of complex flag manifolds. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, v. 527, p. 109-135, 2019. 

6.  CORREA, EDER M.; Homogeneous contact manifolds and resolutions of Calabi-Yau cones. COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, v. 367, p. 1095-1151, 2019. 

Articles accepted for publication:

1. CORREA, EDER M.; Principal elliptic bundles and compact homogeneous l.c.K. manifolds, accepted for publication in ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA, 2022.

2. CORREA, EDER M.; Hermitian non-Kähler structures on products of principal S^{1}-bundles over complex flag manifolds and applications in Hermitian geometry with torsion, accepted for publication in ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2024.


1.  CORREA, E. M.; t-Gauduchon Ricci-flat metrics on non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds, 2023  (arXiv:2310.01788)

2.  CORREA, E. M.; DHYM instantons on higher rank holomorphic vector bundles over P(TP2), 2023  (arXiv:2307.05787)

3.  CORREA, E. M.; Deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills equation on rational homogeneous Varieties, 2023  (arXiv:2304.02105 )

4.  CORREA , E. M.; GRAMA, L. A.; Twisted Kähler-Einstein metrics on flag varieties, 2022 (arxiv.org/pdf/2210.08056.pdf