Fondamenti di Reti e Sicurezza Informatica

Informazioni sul corso

Docente: Giovambattista Ianni -

Esercitatore: Francesco Pacenza -

Avvisi / Important notice
For tentative Erasmus students: please note that this course is taught in Italian only and requires some knowledge of Operating Systems, Scripting and Shell programming, Object Oriented Programming and Computer Architecture.
Unfortunately, limited support can be offered for non-Italian speaking students: we have little or no learning material in English.
Please consider not to waste your Erasmus semester for an hard course, taught in a language you don't know, and with high failing rate.

If they told you this course is suitable for non-Italian speakers, they lied.

Looking for English courses? You might want to look at our courses in our Master degree in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Materiale didattico


Livello 7, applicazione

Livello 4, trasporto

Livello 3, rete

Livello 2 e 1, Link Layer + PHY

Fondamenti di sicurezza informatica



Progetti con GNS3

Materiale utile

Tracce d'esame