Call for papers

 1st International Workshop on Explainable Knowledge Aware Process Intelligence (EKAPI 2024) 

Roccella Jonica (RC), Italy, June 20-22, 2024

Aims and Scope

The first International Workshop on Explainable Knowledge Aware Process Intelligence aims at contributing to the advancement of explainable, knowledge-aware process intelligence and expanding the vibrant community dedicated to addressing challenges in the process mining landscape.
Due to the ongoing digitalization undergone by organizations in recent years, there has been a notable surge in interest in Process Intelligence research. Specifically, the automated extraction of knowledge from the ever-growing volume of event data holds the potential to yield valuable insights for enhancing process execution. Process mining, coupled with AI techniques, plays a pivotal role in this domain, leading the charge in transforming event data into valuable knowledge for companies. Despite the effectiveness of existing techniques, two primary issues persist: the lack of documentation and traceability stemming from ad-hoc procedures, and the use of opaque black-box components. Moreover, there is the need to explore the integration of domain knowledge to steer the knowledge extraction process towards more meaningful outcomes. Thus, in this research area many intriguing problems, that could result in comprehensive sets of techniques for achieving explainable, knowledge-aware process intelligence, are left open. 

The goal of the workshop is to motivate researchers from diverse fields to offer significant insights and contributions aimed at addressing the aforementioned challenges in the realm of knowledge-aware process intelligence.



Topics of Interest

Potential submission topics encompass a range of areas, including but not limited to:

Target Audience

Researchers, academics, and industry professionals with an interest in process mining, artificial intelligence, and business process management.


Submission Guidelines

The workshop targets two kind of contributions:

Original papers should not exceed 13 pages, with additional pages allowed exclusively for bibliographic references

Discussion papers should not surpass 5 pages while additional pages are permitted for bibliographic references only.

Papers, both original and discussion, submitted must be in English and adhere to the CEURART one-column style guidelines (

Submission of papers is electronic through Easychair at:


Papers, whether regular or discussion, that are accepted will be incorporated into the conference proceedings and published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings. All accepted contributions will be presented and deliberated upon during the workshop.

Important Dates



General Chairs

Program Chairs

Program Committee


For inquiries, please contact