
Alfredo Cuzzocrea is Distinguished Professor of Computer Engineering. He is with the DISPES Department – Section: Computer Engineering of University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He also covers the role of Full Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Paris City, Paris, France, as holding the Excellence Chair in Big Data Management and Analytics. He is Honorary Professor of Computer Engineering at the School of Engineering and Technology of the Amity University, Noida, India. He is Founder and Director of the Big Data Engineering and Analytics Laboratory (iDEA Lab) of the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He is also Research Associate of the National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy. Previously, he has covered the role of Full Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, where he held the Excellence Chair in Big Data Privacy and Cybersecurity. On June 2019, he has been awarded as Full Professor in Computer Engineering at the Department of Computer Science of University of Bourgogne Franche-Comte, Besancon, France. On August 2019, he has been awarded as International Senior Research Fellow of the ISITE-BFC Research Excellence Program of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), France. He is habilitated as Full Professor in Computer Engineering and Full Professor in Computer Science by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Italy, and Full Professor in Computer Science by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), France. Previously, he has been habilitated as Associate Professor in Computer Engineering by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Italy, Associate Professor in Computer Science by the Aalborg University, Denmark, and Associate Professor in Computer Science by the University of Rome Tre, Italy. He holds several visiting professor positions worldwide. His current research interests span the following scientific fields: big data, database systems, data mining, OLAP, data warehousing, and knowledge discovery. He is author or co-author of more than 770 papers in international conferences (including CIKM, MDM, EDBT, SSDBM, PAKDD, DOLAP), international journals (including TKDE, JCSS, IS, FGCS, INS, JMLR) and international books. He is recognized in prestigious international research rankings, such as: (i) 1st World-Wide Scientist 2020 and 2021(*)  for Research Topic: “OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP)” by Microsoft Academic, Redmond, WA, USA; (ii) Top 2% World-Wide Scientist 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 by METRICS, Stanford, CA, USA; (iii) Top-100 Italian Scientist in Computer Science and Electronics 2022 and 2023 by Guide2Research, Clifton, NJ, USA; (iv) Top Scientist in Computer Science and Electronics 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 by Guide2Research, Clifton, NJ, USA; (v) Top-100 Researcher in Computer Science 2017-2021 for Research Topic: “Computer Science” by SciVal – Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (vi) Top-100 Researcher in Computer Science 2017-2021 for Research Topic: “Theoretical Computer Science” by SciVal – Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (vii) Top-100 Researcher in Computer Science 2012-2016 for Research Topic: “Computer Science” by SciVal – Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (viii) Top-100 Researcher in Computer Science 2012-2016 for Research Topic: “Theoretical Computer Science” by SciVal – Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (ix) Top-100 Italian Scientist in Computer Sciences 2022 and 2023 by Virtual Italian Academy, Manchester, UK; (x) Top Italian Scientist in Computer Sciences 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 by Virtual Italian Academy, Manchester, UK. Similarly, his international bibliometric research indicators are of high values, as recognized by Google Scholar H-Index, Scopus H-Index, ACM Download Metrics, and DBLP Most Prolific Authors. His research results have been awarded largely. He is involved in several national and international research projects (including international research projects founded by the Horizon 2020 EU framework programme for research and innovation), where he covers responsibility roles. He serves as Invited Speaker in several international conferences. He serves as Panel Leader and Moderator in several international conferences. His research results have been disseminated and promoted world-widely in a very large number of international conferences, where he holds community-leading roles, and internationally-renowned universities and research centers, where he holds a very large number of visiting positions. He holds several roles in international scientific societies, steering committees of international conferences, award committees of international conferences, and international research cooperation agreements, also having responsibility roles. He also contributes to the promotion of international research project activities by membering a high number of international research councils and funding agencies. His contribution to serving the international research community is really noticeable. He serves as Springer Fellow Editor. He serves as Elsevier Ambassador. He served as Editor for the Springer series “Communications in Computer and Information Science”, for which he also serves as Funding Editor. He covers a large number of roles in international journals, such as Editor-In-Chief (including Modelling, International Journal of Big Data Engineering and Analytics), Associate Editor (including INS, JPDC, BDR, KAIS, SNAM, EAAI, FBD, FHPC), Editorial Board Member (including IS, IJIS, JDM, IJDMMM), Special Issue Editor (including JCSS, IS, FGCS, INS, BDR, KAIS). He edited more than 60 international books and conference proceedings. He is member of editorial advisory boards of several international books. He covers a large number of roles in international conferences, such as General Chair (including CIKM, ICDM, BigData, EDBT/ICDTW, CSE, WIMS), Program Chair (including ASONAM, CSE, ODBASE, DEXA, DOLAP, DaWaK, ICA3PP, ICEIS, DATA), Poster Chair (including BigComp), Workshop Chair (including BigData, CCGRID, COMPSAC, ICKB), Fast Abstract Chair (including COMPSAC), Proceedings Chair (including BigData, CDICS), Local Chair (including ICCSA, OTM, WIMS), Liaison Chair (including ICCSA, IDEAL), Publicity Chair (including ICDM, BigData, SDM, APWeb, SSTDM) and Sponsor Chair (including ASONAM). He serves as Session Chair in a large number of international conferences (including CIKM, ICDM, MDM, EBDT, SSDBM, PAKDD, DOLAP). He serves as Review Board Member in a large number of international journals (including TODS, TKDE, TKDD, TOIS, TOIT, TSC, TIST, TSMC, TCC, THMS, TOMM, TETCI). He serves as Review Board Member in a large number of international books. He serves as Program Committee Member in a very large number of international conferences (including VLDB, CIKM, ICDE, EDBT, KDD, ICDM, PKDD, SDM, AAAI, IJCAI, ICDCS). For his international research community services, he has been awarded several times. His academic services are relevant as well. He covers several scientific advising roles for research fellows and PhD students. He is member of scientific boards of several PhD programs worldwide. He covers several institutional roles in university services, including scientific advisor roles for master and bachelor students, and teaching positions in national and international universities. Finally, he leads technological transfer for national and regional companies.

(*) Microsoft Academic discontinued on December 31, 2021.