
Dott. Cataldo SIMARI


Chimica Fisica (Chim/02)


Ubicazione Studio: Cubo 14D, piano I

Tel. Studio: (+39) 0984 49 3385

Tel. Laboratorio: (+39) 0984 49 3385

Ricevimento: Prenotazione via email

Laboratorio PCAM


Dr. Simari hot his PhD into Chemical Science at University of Calabria (2015). He has been a Temporary Researcher (RTDa) at Departement of Chemitry and Chemical technologies, University of Calabria, since March 2020.

He got the National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor SC: 03-A2 (ASN 2018-20, VI call) into 2021.


Excellent academic records: Author of 52 manuscripts published on peer-reviewed journal with more than 1000 citations (h-index 21 - Scopus 01 March 2022) and of 53 contributions (8 invited and 2 keynote presentations) to national and international conferences. 

His major collaborations are:

Prof. D. Gournis - University of Ionannina, Greece

Dr. A. Enotiadis - National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” of Athens

Prof. Steve Greenbaum - Hunter College-CUNY-New York

Prof. E.P. Giannelis - Cornell University, USA

Prof. D. Dekel - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Prof. M.E Tuckerman -, New York University

Dr. A.S. Aricò and Dr. V. Baglio - CNR-ITAE of Messina

Prof. S. Panero - University La Sapienza of Rome

Prof. S. Licoccia -Università Di Tor Vergata, Rome

Prof. C. Gerbaldi- Politecnico Torino

Prof E. Quartarone - Università di Pavia

Prof. S. Specchia - Politecnico Torino

Prof. G. Gigli And Dr. P. Cossari - CNR Nanotec of Lecce.  

Attività Scientifica

Detail-orientated chemist, expert in the design, synthesis and phisic-chemical and electrochemical characterization of advanced nanostructured materials for energy conversion and storage devices including fuel cell, lithium and sodium batteries and water electrolyzers. In the last three years he focused his research on the development and characterization of nanomaterials and polymer-matrix for CO2 capture and gas separation. 

During his reasearch activity, he got very strong experience in research, formulation, processing and validation of innovative polymer nanocomposite membranes using analytical, mechanical and rheological characterization techniques. 
